Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Maybe this is just for me

I feel convicted by 3N3MY's previous post.  Single player gaming is getting overrun in the market by so much emphasis on multiplayer.  I'm not so sure this is an unnatural progression, as gaming has always had a social aspect to it as well, but it's definitely getting downplayed in the market, and it seems that anything that doesn't have a multiplayer aspect is hardly worth our time and money.

I'm going to be working through some single player stuff, and I'd like to be help accountable on that.  If others would like to join me, they are more than welcome.  I don't really have any specific goals or time frames on this, just some desire that needs a jump start every now and then.

- Okami
- Shadow of the Collosus
- Legend of Zelda : Spirit Tracks

Obviously, social time spent with the people I love to play/hang out with trumps those experiences for the most part, but I'll be better for it in the long run.  Laters. 


  1. Word. I started Collosus a couple weeks back and it's a lot of fun, but I'd be lying if I said that the terrible controls didn't bog me down. What's with the Japanese developers? Don't they play test? The game is a beautiful journey, but the laggy controls double the games difficulty. Okami is high on my playlist as well.

  2. Amateria: you have in your posession one of the best single player games I've played in... well, possibly one of my favorites ever - Uncharted 2.

    3N3MY's post definitely had me thinking but also made me feel like I have to defend myself. Only reason you're seeing it on this is cause its related and i felt i needed to remind Amateria how much he is missing out by ignoring it. You never here me ranting and raving about games so the fact that I do about this one should mean something...

    Now, I do not disagree with either of you regarding trends and the general feeling of the SP game... but for me... need i remind you both of these games in my collection:

    Oblivion (and all expansions)
    Fallout 3 (and all expansions)
    GTAIV (and all expansions)
    Mass Effect
    Mirrors Edge
    Uncharted 2

    This does not even consider my love and obsession for some older system games, guitar games (more fun by myself) and the Halos that i only buy for the SP.

    MP is fun but ranking up, and having a stellar game just does not have the same satisfaction as spending 130hrs and finally defeating Shivering Isle. Yet, when its done and all you have are a handful of measly side quests, you almost refuse to finish even those because you do not want the experience to end. That is why I play SP games. The accomplishment of beating the game is because of you, and you alone. That is unless you buy the bloody walkthrough, *cough* someone on this blog *cough*.... another rant for another time.

    And.... I'm done.

  3. brjahu: I'm well aware of the fact that you play some awesome SP games. Normally we end up playing most of them around the same time, but I'm still referring to the less played games. All the games you listed are the heavy hitters. Also, you're still missing arguably the king of them all....The Orange Box.

    P.S. If the walkthrough comment is for me then shame on you sir. I ONLY get walkthroughs for Bethesda games. How else would I have found out how to be a vampire and keep my "urges" in check in Oblivion? I get the books because they dive deep into each class and ability. I don't get them for quests or how to beat them.

  4. I occasionally get guidebooks for games, such as Dragon Age... but you can always look up stuff online for free... :D
