Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Will we ever see the end of HALO....

I came up with this post as a reaction to, of all things, the Mass Effect 2 review in this months issue of Official XBox Magazine. The review was good and some of the things they said were a little disappointing, but I'll get to that at a later date.

The review of arguably the biggest game of 2010 was given 5 full pages of magazine press (which is of more than enough length/that's what she said) and a flipping countdown to the next HALO game and all other things HALO was given 8! What the hell?! It's a countdown and speculation article!

I love the HALO games out of nastalgia more than anything. The original HALO was a pivital game for a few of us and that's why I keep coming back to the series. The books are a lot of fun to read, but honestly the SP of each game is always somewhat lacking and I dare you to argue otherwise. Multi has been dead for me for sometime now. It's a dated and bad formula that you constantly feel cheated on. MW1 and 2 both crush HALO is SP and MP hands down. Not even talking about the other great multi games that exist. HALO isn't the end all be all game that it always is made to be! ODST shouldn't ever have been considered by any gaming site or mag to be GOTY....but I found it again and again in the "nominated" category. Kill me.

I guess I'm just feeling oversaturated with HALO and now with M$ starting up "343 Industries" for all things HALO and the new and useless "HALO Waypoint" we've got another Mario on our hands. *sigh*



    Sorry that I'm still not sure how to post the links, but oh well. This article basically says that this game will feature bigger battles (huge?) (as opposed to the "30 seconds of action" that all Bungie developers have spouted for the past 8 years), a shield/health system like Halo:CE, no spike or flame grenades, and a new team working on the facial animation (so everyone's head doesn't look like a potato sack). Unfortunately, it looks like "equipment" will remain in the game, which I never cared for, ESPECIALLY in multiplayer. Equipment was just one more way to screwed out of a kill when you got the jump on someone. I remember specifically when they gave us the "Cold Storage" DLC and I loved it because Chill Out was one of my favorite maps from Halo. Then after a few rounds, I said to Amateria, "Man, this map would be great if all this Equipment wasn't being thrown around (screwing me out of kills)."

    Anyway, it looks like they're making an effort to change things. I feel like I talked about the need for big changes back when I was talking about Reach about a month ago and nobody on here really seemed to react to my suggestions, so, yeah.....

    Despite all this, I agree with 3N3MY about the oversaturation and that they blew it with the multiplayer in Halo 2 and Halo 3. The multiplayer is dead and they need to change it if they want me to play it again.

    And as far as GOTY nominations go, I don't know that I would have given it one either. I liked it, but I liked Batman:AA, CoD:MW2, and Left 4 Dead 2 more.

  2. If you reread your old post on the HALO Reach trailer you'll see I vented a lot about HALO back then too, but yeah it needs a lot of fixing IMHO if they want me to play it seriously ever again.
