Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Spider-Man no more.

I know we're supposed to talk about games and whatnot, but this is big news in the film industry, so I wanted some thoughts.

A few days ago, it was announced that Sam Raimi would not return for Spider-Man 4, even though they had a release date and Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst were set to return. He left because he was not happy with any of the scripts being turned in, and hence would never have the movie ready by the pre-set release date.

I, for one, am glad that he chose not to "give in" to what Sony wanted just for the sake of spitting something out just to meet a deadline, regardless of what that "something" ended up being. I mean, didn't he give in on Spider-Man 3 and go ahead with the Venom-included script (which he never wanted, because he doesn't like Venom)? And what we got was not up to the standard set by Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2. Spider-Man 3 was maligned mostly by critics, but by the casual viewer, too. However, it did have (at the time) the biggest opening weekend box-office ever in the U.S., and ended up grossing $336,530,303 in the U.S. (thanks, IMDB).

Since Raimi jumped ship, Sony is now planning a "reboot" of the series that will feature Peter Parker in high school. I am NOT a fan of this idea. We already got to see him in high school in the 2002 Spider-Man. Why not just get a new cast and crew and pick it up where we left off? Or just leave it alone? Oh yeah, because the first three films made a combined $1,113,614,571 in the U.S.


  1. If Spidey is going to be a regular staple on the silver screen, then I vote we always get a different director. Sure we want the similar feel and style, but let those similarities trancend from the common character and plot devices (much in the way comics work - citation needed), and not from a studios desire to see the same cookie cutter piece of art over and over again.

    It also makes me wish that film was just a *little* less of a business. It's hard for anyone to argue with ::cough cough:: a BILLION dollars... goodness.

  2. Honestly, when I read about this a few days ago I saluted Sam for his integrity, but couldn't have cared less either way. Spider-Man was OK I hated the 2nd and the 3rd was only good to me because of the inclusion of Venom. I wasn't thrilled with how they did him, but I'm a fan of Venom.

    Bottom line I don't own any of these movies, but I do agree that returning to the high school spot is dumb. They already setup the character of Lizard in one of the earlier films, but oh well.

    The X Men movies had a similar BLAH feeling for me. I honestly liked the Directors Cut of Dare Devil better than most of these flicks and I'm the only big fan of Wolverine Origins I know.

  3. You didn't like Spider-Man 2? It may have been a sequel, but the casting of Alfred Molina doing Dr. Octopus was excellent, and really added some... character to an otherwise flat personality world.

    And they fought on the side of a train.

  4. I love Superhero movies, even a lot of the bad ones. I own all 3 Blades, I own all 3 X-men movies, all 3 Spiderman movies though the first 2 were awesome, imo, and 3 was poor... They attempted to cram too much into 3 and failed miserably. Batman, Daredevil, both Hulk movies, Fantastic Four, even he old and new Superman movies. Not that I think they're all great but comics brought to life are just fun for me.

    As far as a reboot, STOP with the reboots already. Hey, let's make a movie and then in 4 or 5 years will reboot the series and then in another 5 years will do it again. Extremely lame. I want a Spiderman 4, not a new Spiderman with a new cast. I hate that crap. :(
