Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Connection Issues

I was just curious how the connections have been for MW2 on the 360. They've really gone downhill on the PC. One of my clan members said the game is played on a master server and he thinks there are more people playing than it's capable of handling. When the game first game out, it was running pretty smooth with minimal lag and if it did have lag, it would switch hosts. Now, about 90% of the matches are lagging bad, even when everybody has decent pings. Anybody experiencing this on the 360?

Matchmaking wasn't as bad as expected but at least for us PC folks, it still falls short of dedicated servers. There is more work initially as you find some decent servers but say, for me, finding some Chicago servers were my ping is 10 to 20 is amazing and the gameplay that results is incredible. Our clan found several Dallas servers that we could all play on, since we are all spread out across the country.

Do you guys prefer clicking a button and being thrown in with a bunch of guys? Or would you like to be able to choose a server with low-ping, decent map rotation *cough* no rust *cough*, and say a rule like NO NOOB TUBES?



  1. Matchmaking on 360 has been fine. Every once in a while I'll get into a map with some suspicious lag going on and I leave immediately and find a new room. Sounds like the PC guys are getting the shaft for sure on that one....sorry.

    As far as finding games. I'd MUCH RATHER be able to pick my options. Basically like you said map rotation and NO NOOB TUBES and I'd also throw in NO Marathon Lightweight Commando garbage. I hate that with a passion.

  2. Haha, yeah, that gets annoying. Yesterday some guy was pulling that crap. I did a sweet sideways bunny hop and gunned him down as he lunged and knifed at the spot I had just been at. It was like a John Woo move.

    I wish everybody could experience the delight of choosing servers...

  3. Well I think I told you before, but when LIVE launched on original XBOX it had a VERY similar setup to PC. Unreal Championship (which I love dearly btw) was very PC. You could see ping and maps and gametypes. My favorite driving game ever, Project Gotham Racing 2, was the same way.

    It truly was HALO 2's "revolutionary" new way to find games with buddies in the "party system" that screwed it all up. I'm saying this because I was one of the few people stating that it sucked b/c it took out all customization. Juniper I was saying this crap years ago. Nobody cared but me it seemed since I had LIVE pre-HALO 2 while millions of new users didn't and therefore didn't know the difference.

    I'm with you and always will support more options. Rainbow Six Vegas was one of the last games I've seen give you room options. The orinal Gears of War did it too. With console gamers the developers all feel we're retards and dumb everything down.

  4. Sorry for multiple posts, but the wait between HALO 2 matches was unbearable....another reason it sucked.

  5. So true! People think us PC gamers are picky but they really have dumbed some things down. There are positives to it, such as everybody being on the same side. But I would rather wait a round or wait for somebody to leave and then switch sides in a dedicated server...

    Oh well... MW2 will be shelved once BC2 comes out. I preordered it for PC and should be able to jump in the beta towards the end of January. My clan might even get our own server which means we can kick/ban hackers and racists and vulgar 10 year olds who cuss you out for winning, haha...

    Did anybody participate in the BC2 beta for PS3?

  6. Sorry, multiple posts too... that's another thing that can be irritating, is the wait between matches. It's nice if you wanna create a new class or fiddle with something but most of the time, you sit there for a minute in boredom... I wanna keep shooting fools!

  7. Yeah, BC2 is high on my list, but I AGAIN am stating that if the servers are as retarded as before I may pass. Being stuck on the same map that you don't want to play for an hour and a half is WAYYYYYY too long. Pulling out of the game and researching only puts you back in the same one....dumb

  8. Haha, yeah. That was a problem with Battlefield 2 cuz EVERYBODY wanted to play Strike at Karkand so EVERY server was running that map. Of course, with a decent clan, you can all contribute and purchase your own server and decide on map rotation. We had a good server for BF2142 with good city map rotation, which limited the vehicle whorage...
