Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

BC2 Footage

Here is a full match from the PS3 beta...

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

...and some other misc. stuff...

Weapons and Gadgets

Written List

Direct Feed beta walkthrough

Panama Canal Gameplay

Squad Deathmatch


  1. I can't watch these yet...I'm at work. You're obsessed. As much as I want to get this at launch I'm going to have to go with'll be another shooter. I'll get it down the road for sure.

    Weren't you kind of a hater on BC1? I know that Battlefield fans have been really clamoring for an official Battlefield 3. Any news on that?

  2. Well, it was console only. All devs seem to go the way of the dark side and take a game that started on the PC and then ship the game over to the consoles w/o even a PC version... CoD1 and 2 were PC games, and awesome, so therefore CoD3 was console only. We had BF1942, BF2, and BF2142, and then The Game That Shall Not Be Named on the 360 and then BFBC1 with no PC version... so sad... There are some great franchises out there that were made on PC gamers' money... I'm not bashing consoles at all, I'm just pointing out a fact...

    And yes, I'm obsessed, considering Battlefield is my favorite franchise and I have over 1400 hrs into BF2 and BF2142...

    ...and to call it "just another shooter" is blasphemy! Blasphemy, I tell you! :P

  3. Sorry if I sound like a PC elistis or a snob... I'm not at all. Just picture if Gears of War 3 or Mass Effect 2 or whatever your favorite game is became a PC exclusive title after starting on the consoles...

  4. I'm not denying your right to call "foul" because you're correct. They just go where the money is I guess and unfortunately for you PC shooter fans console gaming was solidified with HALO and the nail in the coffin was CoD: MW.

    I would kill someone if they took Mass Effect away from me.

  5. As someone who has the beta, i must say it is amazing... however, what i really found great about it was playing with friends and how it almost requires you play as a team or else fail.

  6. agree with Brjahu, loved wat i played of the beta on teh ps3 and cant wait for release. i love shooters and i dont catorgise this as "just another shooter" it's a totally different gaming experience to most FPS's out there. love the team work aspect, the varied customer classes etc, all together now "HOOOYAAAAA"

  7. "CoD1 and 2 were PC games, and awesome, so therefore CoD3 was console only. We had BF1942, BF2, and BF2142, and then The Game That Shall Not Be Named on the 360 and then BFBC1 with no PC version"

    My favorite one was BFBCMW2:BTTF Collector's Edition.

  8. Amateria, lets not forget about COBFMW1776-2: The Hardcore Unrated Limited Directors Cut Civil War GOTY Edition Fully Unlocked and Reloaded

  9. Sorry, 3N3MY, you've probobly never heard of that version because it didnt have any acheivment points.
