Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Gear of War 2/You're the assholes.

This is an old article I shared with Amateria a long time ago and refound on accident. Hilarity for making the good guys the bad guys.


  1. haha, nice... no wonder i didn't like the game...

  2. That game is awesome campaign wise and especially Horde Mode, but the multi is blah at best.

  3. As of this morning, thanks to belated Christmas gift from Lead Salad, I am now the proud owner of Gears of War 2: Game of the Year Edition. Nice that it comes with all maps ever released and a new campaign chapter. Excited to get back into it when I get tired of MW2.

    However, (even though I knew this before asking for it) I am bummed out that they give you download cards for the new stuff instead of just adding it to the disc, or adding a multiplayer disc. I liked that the Halo 3:ODST pack came with all previous DLC on a disc. I was able to delete the maps off my hard drive and free up over 1GB. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but I'm still using my original 20GB drive and all space is precious. I refuse to pay the outlandish prices for a more spacious drive.

  4. It's impossible to find a huge hard drive for cheap...impossible...oh wait...

    I bought the 120gb drive last year for a "steal" at Target. 120 bucks brand new which was around 50 bucks less than originally marked. Kill me.

  5. DLC is just another way to soak more money out of gamers... like dishing out money for bigger hardrives, carpaRtz...

  6. Reufurbished 60gb Hard drive for 80 bucks at GameStop.

    Don't be too surprised by the download card. The size of the maps for Gears 2 are so stupidly small, I'm convinced that they are all already on the disc, and the card just allows you to unlock them. Dumb.

  7. That still sounds like an outlandish price to me considering one can buy a 1TB hard drive for a PC for $100. I think Microsoft ought to GIVE these things away considering all their systems that have broken.

  8. Oh, I wasn't trying to contest the price, only shouting out another option, cheaper than 150 bucks for the 120gb.

    And I agree on them giving them out, not because they've had so many broken systems, but because you basically can't do anything on xbox live without one. They sell the Arcade model (no hard drive) still, but the only people who buy those are the folks who are replacing a red-ringed system and already have a hard drive. The arcade model is useless by itself.

  9. Amateria 1: "Refurbished 60gb Hard drive for 80 bucks at GameStop."

    I see two things here that I REALLY don't like. 1st: "refurbished"; & 2nd: "80 bucks"

    I can't pay $80 for something that's already failed at least once. I think I would pay $50 for a 120GB drive that was new. Yeah...I'll take a number and get in the neverending line...and stick with the original 20GB for now.

  10. Oh, and reasons for getting the Arcade model were different. I wanted a 2nd system to travel around with. But the ONLY reason I did it was because Circuit City was selling them new for $115+tax in their last days, and I found one, in Ft. Wayne, IN, as I was passing through. Sweet.

  11. I'm sorry I missed this post comments.

    To be clear, refurbished doesn't necessarily mean broken - it could mean that it's just been down Microsoft's factory line again, etc.

    In the HDD's case, refurbished just means it was sent back corporately to be wiped and cleaned, since someone else's personal and sometimes sensitive data was on it. Basically, whenever someone trades in a hard drive at GS, it gets sent back to be refurbished and cleaned.
