Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

EA's head boss is gonna be a punching bag.

EA has had a big turn around in the last year by making new IPs and striving for quality over quantity and I truly salute them for it. Mainly it's been headed up by John Riccitiello and his push to encourage new ideas and creativity and that in turn will lead to greater sales, stock prices and a better industry. The fact that EA didn't crush BioWare when they were bought up was enough evidence for me that he had good intentions.

Some of my favorite games of the last several years have been published or financed in some way by EA like Dead Space, The Orange Box and Mirror's Edge. It seems that stock prices have only been going down since he's taken over and in the end John could lose his job. It's frustrating as a gamer when a large company wants to help the industry (and themselves in the meantime) by correcting past mistakes and creating good games, unlike Activision, and gets dumped on in the end. Oh well...I guess we as gamers are to blame for buying worthless cookie cutter games over and over again.

Maybe if EA was on Rock Band 12 already they wouldn't be in as bad of shape.


  1. Being the Battlefield fanatic that I am, I have seen their logo flash on my PC monitor thousands of times, not just for those games but for SimCity and countless other games. Never been an enemy of EA but I've seen how they've changed from a gamer's nemesis to a company with some good insight into what we want.

    His PR is definitely better than Kotick's, haha...

    And it would be sad if he lost his job when he seems to be pushing them in a better direction...

  2. I think EA's revamped new Medal of Honor game looks pretty good. But with the recent trend moving away from WWII games to modern era war, by the time it comes out it could feel like "cookie cutter" as well. Time will tell. (I'll give it a rent, at least).

  3. I don't think this is a trend that's found only in the gaming industry though. I imagine that many film makers, or artists, or even interior designers end up caving to the trends of popularity. I think 3n3my is right about this - if we stopped giving into the same stuff over and over again we might actually give the game designers/publishers a little pressure to make something new and creative, but as long as we keep communicating to the companies that we're ok with rebuying the same game year after year, then they have no reason to switch it up.
