Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Weekly Top 3 - Boss Battles

As clearly stated in the title for this post, this week's top 3 is going to be boss battles.  These could include, but are not limited to, final boss fights, antagonist confrontation moments, mid-game humps or challenges to overcome, or maybe even the toughest thing you've overcome in a videogame. (It would also be appreciated if you are mentioning any bossess or moments that are particularly good spoilers to story or gameplay, mention that before describing the event.)

For me, in no particular order.

Ganon - Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past (SNES) - This may be an uncreative choice for me, but it's a big one.  My copy of LttP was given to me by a cousin (I think) so all the files were already beaten.  As a young kind, I love exploring the world, but going to places where the puzzles were already beaten, or the NPC's shared dialogue from the tail end of conversations that I didn't have with them, was... unfulfilling.  I started my own file, and to my surprise the puzzles were really tough, even when I knew what the end result was going to be.  In some cases, the game got harder, because I knew that a particular portion would be easier if I just had that one item, but in reality I wouldn't be getting that item until another 6 dungeons.  My expectations were there, but misplaced...  Finally getting to Ganon, finding out how that giant hole in top of the pyramid got there, and rocking him out with my silver arrows... a very gratifying beat down.

The Maw - Halo Combat Evolved (XBOX) - I really liked the ending of Halo.  Maybe it was because it's still one of my favorite co-op games to play to this day.  Maybe it was because it was the first thing I got for my xbox.  Maybe it's because I'm a fanboy. Whatever the reason is, I like it.  The ending to the first part of the original Halo saga was a good one.  With frustrating puzzle like combat, lots of explosions, an annoying enemy always letting me know how smart he was, and an epic conclusion with a giant race through an enormous ship before everything explodes in oblivion.  I'm really looking forward to doing this again when the Anniversary collection releases. 

Andrew Ryan - Bioshock (XB360) - This one isn't much of a boss fight, but it was awesome.  I spent a good chunk of time in Bioshock looking for as many tape recorders as I could.  Not for any achievement or the corresponding achievement points, but because they added a depth to the world and story that I couldn't get enough of.  Bioshock already felt a little bit voyeuristic, digging into a world that you were never really a part of, and finding these tape recorders added to the thrill.  They gave you personal testimony and witness to the results and rubble you were rummaging through, and when you finally meet the character you've been hunting down... catharsis.  Andrew Ryan's was particularly good, and it makes you rethink everything you've done in the game so far.  Kindly play this game if you get the chance, would you?

Alright everyone else, it's your turn.  Go!


  1. ^^Link to the Past: One of my all time favorite games with sweet memories that I still cherish.


    Final Fantasy XII - Yiazmat - This guy is level 73 with 50 million, yes, million hit points. You can actually leave the area and save in the middle of the boss fight. Needless to say, you have to get every other hunt, all side quests, in the game before unlocking this guy. And you better have leveled up your characters. I found this "special" routine using the games auto-attacks and a secret boss that spawns enemies in a certain dungeon (looked it all up online) to level my characters overnight while I slept. This guy still took me a couple saves and I have no idea how many hours to beat. The mere time requirement alone makes him earn my respect... and bragging rights.

    Castlevania: SOTN - Dracula - I think just the fact that when you beat this game and then find out you are only half-way done and must make your way through the castle again while it's all upside down makes this "final-final" boss even better. Cuz the final boss is actually not the real final boss as long as you have the right equipment with you from what I can recall. Winning!

    Ratchet and Clank - Dr. Nefarious & Lawrence - Not sure why but I find Dr. Nefarious and his butler, lawrence, amusing in the games I've beat them in. Definitley some memoriable bosses. Humorous without overdoing it both in way that would appeal to kids and adults like myself. They also remind me of older video game bosses in a way, such as Dr. Wiley or King Koopa. Not even sure why... they just have a "classic" air about them. Leaving them stranded on an asteroid is quite satisfying as well...

  2. Amateria, definitely loved Andrew Ryan. I do, though, think that Sander Cohen was probably my favorite antagonist from Bioshock. As for LTTP, I was actually very disappointed with Ganon. I think it was that I found him a bit too easy. My mother, on the other hand, never finished it and actually played through the game several times only to never beat Ganon. She just didn't have the reflexes to switch weapons and move fast enough.

    Now, just have to think about my list.

  3. Level 4 Boss - Contra III (SNES) - It doesn't really have a name, but it's essentially the rear of an aircraft that's been all up in your grill the entire stage. Eventually, your friendly helicopter fires a missile at it with you hanging on and the entire airborne battle takes place with you hitting various weakpoints, avoiding incoming fire, mines and rockets all while hopping around on the friendly missiles which continue to stream from left to right. Tons of fun.

    Mike Tyson (Mr. Dream) - Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (NES) - Commonly known as "The Dream Fight", this one pit you against Iron Mike himself, changing the pace a little bit since every other boxer in the game up to that point had been a fictional character. Famous for being tough as nails, the first 1 minute and 30 seconds of the first round features Mike exclusively throwing uppercuts that knock you to the mat in 1 hit. Get past that part and there's plenty more pain to suffer through. After twenty years, I finally managed to beat this SOB on the Wii's Virtual Console. With the craptastic WiiMote held sideways, no less!!

    Ramon Salazar's "Right Hand" - Resident Evil 4 (GameCube) - Not literally the little guy's right hand, but more like a demonic bodyguard that he eventually unleashes on you. Always veiled in a cloak, you have no idea what it looks like. You run through abandoned tunnels, intercut with POV shots of the creature stalking the areas you've just been through. It eventually catches up with you, attacking you from grates in the ceiling. Finally he drops down and you get the full view of the beast. You can either use up TONS of ammo fighting him, or you can just run around and try your luck avoiding him while you stand by the elevator, pooping your pants. Excellent music, pacing, suspense and action abound in this boss encounter. Just...extremely well done.

  4. WhoaAAT!? SILVER ARROWS for Ganon?! Ah MAN!

    In somewhat of a loose order:
    1. General Knoxx- Borderlands (360) – Just one of the many reason’s I love Borderlands is the characters and General Knoxx is a prime example. He’s got some hilarious dialogue throughout the adventurous expedition leading up the boss battle. And after finally encountering the notorious Knoxx, I gotta say it was a fun fight that required some good team work and overall, was extremely rewarding [*Spoiler Alert*] as you get to raid the Secret Armory of General Knoxx. It really is like being a kid in a candy store only you’ve murdered the store owner and now it’s a mere minutes until the place blows to kindom come. Definitely worth the DLC purchase.

    2. Sigma- Mega Man X2 (SNES)- I recently replayed this one and it was fairly easy, but when I was a kid I just never had enough sub-tanks. Sigma in all his forms certainly is truly a worth foe and I can finally say I’ve conquered one of the most despised bosses of my gaming world.

    3. Another Joe- Viewtiful Joe (GC) – Another great game that owes a lot to the characters/ bosses. This encounter between Viewtiful Joe and Another Joe is also pretty comical and on another note, it’s quite a thrill to fight yourself a la Dark Link (Ocarina of Time), especially when you are a hero as unique as Viewtiful Joe, and [*Spoiler Alert*] to add to the fun, Another Joe is revealed as Alastor, who you fight a second time in a battle that is equally a blast.

  5. 1. Alma #1 - Ninja Gaiden Black - I pride myself as being a serious gamer and a good one. I set out to prove something to myself by beating Ninja Gaiden Black on Master Ninja Difficulty (pretty much the hardest fucking thing ever). I never did fully beat it because of the launch of the 360 was happening while I was going through it, but beating Alma in her first form on Master Ninja ranges in the upper echelon of gaming badassery.

    She's very tough and has moves that are faster than you. She's still the hardest boss I've ever fought. The only way to out maneuver her on much of the fight was to roll with Left Trigger and then jump with A. This would allow you to move faster than your character could run and had to be used to be victorious.

    I still don't know anyone personally that has done this.

    2. Albert Wesker - Specifically in Resident Evil 5 - Albert is one of my favorite antagonists of all time. Not only because he's in one of my favorite series of all time, but he's a constant presence and a total badass and one of the few characters that gaming draped in mystery really well.

    The final battle is still one of the better coop battles ever and it's a tense ride!


    "Suck on this Wesker!"

    3. Death Adder - Golden Axe - Few games were played by myself and my younger brother more than Golden Axe. Even though we dominated it time and time again the final battle with Death Adder was never not scary. He has the hugest flipping axe ever and epic magic, but also throws skeletons into the mix that don't ever die so they just mess you up the whole time.

  6. Wesker better be dead. I know he is pretty stubborn but standing waist deep in hot lava and getting hit by 2 RPGs simultaneously better be enough to keep him down for the count. "Uroburos will be released into the atmosphere...."

  7. I've been thinking about this one for a while and have to admit that it is hard to think of 3. My list includes 1 boss, 1 level, and 1 song. Call this, the first 3 that come to mind.

    1. Giant Fish - RE4, Game Cube - This boss battle was the first thing that came to my mind. I can still remember fighting this thing the first time and when I was done thinking "holy crap, that was the best looking and most increadible boss I've ever seen. suck on that PS2". That is about all I remember about it, but the fact that it still sticks in my mind obviously shows it made a lasting impression.

    2. The Library - Halo:CE, Xbox - An additional requirement to this is playing on Legendary. Simply put, this level kicked my ass. Even on co-op this level is possibly one of the most daunting levels I've ever played. Many complain about it, and I can even remember reading a comment of someone asking if they made the new version easier! Personally, it is one of my favorit Halo levels ever.

    3. Metalica - One - Guitar Hero 3, 360 - I'll be the first one to say that I'm pretty decent at the Guitar Hero and Rock Band games (thanks to 3N3MY). This song, however, is the only thing that has ever stood between me and my Expert completion. It's such a tease because the first 3/4 of the song is easy and then all hell breaks loose. To this day, I still go back every so often to try and beat it. I shall overcome.

  8. 1. Cronos - God of War 3

    Technically superior to any boss battle/level i've ever played. I'd say to anyone who hasnt played GOW to play this one'll be sold from here on out.

    2. Psycho Mantis - MGS

    Kojima's magic and innovation all rolled up into one awesome boss battle.

    3. Shadow of the Colossus - The Flying Boss in the Desert

    Forgive me for not remember its name. This game was full of epic boss battles but this one stood out the most for me. Cant wait to pick up the HD edition of this to replay the game, quality.
