Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Friday, August 5, 2011

A Tale of a Dude that Finally Prestiged.

So I've been playing a lot of Black Ops again lately and it's been wonderful to scratch that MP itch again! I love me some Bad Company 2, but the overall team aspect and terrible lobby system make playing it solo a pain at times. Especially when your team is playing TDM and not Rush.

Anyways, last night I finally got to level 51 which is when you can Prestige and start over. In the past I'd been a huge advocate of not doing this because since I'd put in all this time earning this stuff why would I want to throw it away? Since I play by myself I figured starting over wouldn't be a big deal and would, ultimately, make the game more fun because of the addicting crack that is ranking up.

I was right! I'm already drooling over getting to level 14 and unlocking my almighty Famas and then at level 20 the holiest of holies....the Galil.

Playing with the Enfield right now is pretty much balls on my chin, but I'm still holding up really well online. I've also been exclusively playing Pure TDM which uses no perks, killstreaks or gun add ons and it's actually gotten me nothing but better scores. I normally sit between 1.50 and 2.0 k/d ratios, but in Pure, without napalm and airstrike attacks every 15 seconds, I'm almost always above 2.0. My current stats are 26hrs logged online with a k/d of 1.54.

It's been strange to be in such a funk for so long in gaming and to have the dirtiest of words/games to be a breath of fresh air. Ultimately, playing CoD by myself can feel like spinning my wheels in the mud, but it's been a blast!


  1. I was actually playing MW2 the other day with my clanmates, haha! Don't ask us why. I always have to prestige cuz I always want to work for that next level/rank... I know the exact feeling...

  2. I prestiged in MW2 after not playing it for about a year and that ALMOST made it fun again.

    I'm kind of tooting my own horn here, but I think it makes more sense to do it that way. I still think the whole idea is a bit silly, but if you wait a while, it can make it seem like you're playing a new game again and it gives you some drive to get to that certain level for the gun you like.
