Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Long Overdue

I just wanted to let the world know that I'll be starting my personal campaign to play and finish a handful of stuff that's been cooking far too long on the back burner.  Some of them I have watched played (a personal favorite activity of mine, by the way), some I haven't touched, and some I feel just deserve to get some play time.

Resident Evil 4
Bioshock 2
TMNT (upon Juniper's recommendation - HAHA!)
Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2
Super Metroid

That's my potential batting order as well.  As highly acclaimed as it is, I feel bad putting Super Metroid so near the bottom, but the Metroid franchise has always been tough for me, and I'll probably be using a guide anyways.  Any suggestions?  I'll be kicking of RE4 as soon as I publish this post.

This also might be a trend that I hope continues on the blog.  3N3MY and I were chatting the other day, and a potential idea we tossed up was a retro review section.  Either playing something from yesteryear and giving it another look by witholding nostalgia, or maybe taking the super critical eyes of the current game industry and holding the old stuff up to the same standard. Thoughts, questions, concerns?

Your prayers are appreciated in my endeavor.


  1. Good luck and good hunting!

    I've personally been dying to sit down and go through FFVII, but time isn't as plentiful as it once was.

    I would like to do reviews on retro games we've never played. I'd personally love to do a Chrono Trigger and FFVII review, but am open to ideas!

  2. I think if we were to do this, it would have to be like 3N3MY said and do a retro review of a game we never got to play. There is no way I could do an objective retro review of a game I've already played. There are just certain games I can't play without wearing my "This-Is-One-Of-The-Greatest-Games-Ever Goggles."

    I wouldn't mind picking up the upcoming ICO/Shadow of the Colossus Collection and doing a retro review on one or both of those games. Are PS2 games even considered retro?

    And if you posted this a little over 3 hours ago, that means you should just about be wrapping up your time in The Village in RE4.....:-)


  3. I definitely think that is a great idea to play and review older games we never played. I've sort of been completing my own project of current generation games that I never got around to playing. Honestly, a large percentage of my list comes from games recommended by 3N3MY, with a few of my own. I have to say that some of my favorite games of all time have come from doing this.
    As for older games, if we all knew what each other had that could help too so we could trade/lend if possible instead of having someone go out a buy. This leads back to my cataloging idea!

  4. I think you'll enjoy my take. All three commentators above me (I think) hail RE4 as "one of the greatest games ever", so it'll be interesting to see how blasphemous my honesty could be for you guys.

  5. Well i guess i'll put down Majora's Mask for now and finish Resident Evil 4. There's just so many games i need to complete, some i haven't even started.

  6. Since I finished Bulletstorm a few days ago (good times, btw!) I really don't have a hankering to play anything new, besides Borderlands and a completionists run of Batman-AA on Hard, so I started and played the first hour of FFVII!

    As dated as the game is and annoying as it is to use a PS3 Dualshock as a PSOne controller it's still a lot of fun already and I'm being sucked in by it's charms. It's nice to get to go back and play old JRPGs I've always had an interest in. Especially with my gaming skillset I have now and not when I was 9.

    Juniper already told me to say goodbye to 70 hours of my"Goodbye!"

  7. What changed between the Dual Shock and the PSX controller?


    (This is half serious, and half a joke. I really can't think of a substancial difference. They even made PSX controllers with joysticks, too...)

  8. While the shape and ergonomics are largely unchanged I'm referring to the button inputs.

    For any standard game for either this or previous gaming generation "X" was and is used for action or inputs in menus and largely in games themselves and "O" is used to cancel or back out.

    For a lot of PSOne games it's the exact opposite so navigating menus and selecting powers has me thinking backwards. There's no way to switch inputs either. Also, no joystick input. At least the D-pad on that controller is awesome.

  9. TMTN, haha... have fun with that... I don't know if I could go back and play some of those old games, unless they were some of the ones I loved and cherished.
