Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Pre Mass Effect 2 - Advice

So i haven't been fortunate enough to be part of the ME2 release hype, holidays/work commitments etc, infact i've barley found the time to play much recently...however with the next couple of weeks free to myself I going to dedicate myself to some gaming goodness which leads me to my topic.

I've completed ME1 once so i know the story line etc, i kept meaning to go back through again pre ME2 release but never found the time, but here's the thing i no longer have the ME1 save game to continue the burning question is how much does having the previous save enhance the ME2 playthru?

I'm considering started a fresh ME1 playthru (Amateria you're doing the same rite?) but i'm afraid i might have a bit of a ME burnout once it comes to completing the 2 titles back to back and i dont want to spoil it...I feel the same way about the God of War games too, which i wanna replay again before GOWIII hits. Any thoughts and advice from the Mass Effect junkies out there?


  1. It's really up to you. All you gain some credits, resources, starting at Lvl 2, and a small tie into your previous choices. If I'm forgetting something, someone please correctly me. But truthfully, it isn't a whole lot. The only other thing is there is an Achievement for either completing ME2 with your imported character once, or by beating it twice.
    With Bioshock out tomorrow, I say to just dive into ME2. You won't regret it either way.

  2. Personally, I'd replay the 1st. That's what I told Amateria to do and he thanked me for it. Some of the choices you make have a much larger impact than what brjahu is letting on.

    Maybe in the grand scheme of things it's not a huge deal to carry over your choices, but there is no more personal a game than ME2. Who lived and died. How nice/mean were you to people in the original. What did you decide to do in the big battle at the end? These all affect how people talk to you and perceive you.

    I was shocked at how many people I ran into from the first game. Granted brjahu may not remember a lot of them because he only played the game once, but I beat it 4 times. I couldn't see playing it any other way. Besides you can do a speed run thru just the main quests in 8 hours or less. Plus, what you do in 2 on top of 1 will carry over into 3. Trust's worth the extra time and I'm sure you won't be burnt out.

    As a level 60 import I got tons of cash and started off at level 5.

  3. Nothing says saving the universe again by dropping 55 levels... :P

  4. In defense of the level'll make sense why you kind of "start over" after the initial 15 minutes of the game.

  5. Is there some incredibly cheesy and lame reason why you've lost all your accumulated power in order to justify "starting over" in a new game so you either A) can't roll over every enemy you encounter or B) they refused to include a scaling enemy level system like Oblivion.

    Forgive my bitterness and sarcasm lately. I played MW2 for the (hopefully) final time the other night and my seething hatred for publishers and developers in general right now will not dissipate...
