Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Finished Part 1

3N3MY is just plain right about Mass Effect. Absolutely amazing on every front.  I already am looking forward to my second (and future past that) playthroughs.  I do feel a little bit mislead though by this trailer. It was definitely the first commercial that got me pumped about this game before it even came out, and I feel like it's a tad... not true.  Although difficult decisions did lie ahead (who knows how many times I took a break to think about who to let live or die...) I don't think it ever felt nearly as epic as this trailer made it seem.

"O Captain, O my captain..." 



  1. Booyah Ka Sha! Glad you liked it so much! When I play through 1 again I'm gonna go soldier for sure since I have a combined total of 110 hours between the 2 games playing as only Vanguard.

    Yeah....maybe we should have let Ashley go instead. #2 is gonna blow your face off btw so really good job on having the patience to play out the 1st before starting it. It'll make the payoff that much better.

  2. That trailer is a little "too epic" I guess, but it's still awesome and gets the point across of tough decisions unlike the infamous "Mad World" trailer for Gears. Misleading isn't a strong enough word.

  3. In a way I envy you. You have the story and the excitment of ME1 still very fresh in your mind. Going directly into ME2 should be a phenominal experience. There are lots of mentions and characters from ME that I sometimes strained to remember (and it had only been 9 months!) Enjoy. The second one is gonna rock your balls off.

  4. At least with the Gears trailer, they didn't advertise something that didn't happen. It showed me running, jumping, and fighting - three things which occurred with great frequency in Gears of War. Although I didn't have Gary Jules accompanying me the whole time, (or Tears for Fears for that matter) It's gameplay was intact. With the ME trailer, I figured if the main character was telling me that beacuse "many decisions lie ahead" and that "none are easy", that I might be making other comparably tough decisions, like choosing to save or destroy a whole planet - whoops.

    But honestly though, I'm nitpicking over what was a balls to the wall experience. I don't think I'd ever been pulled that quickly into a single-player campaign (after getting over the combat system) and I'm really excited to play 2.

    Why did you tell me I should have let Ashley go!? Now I'm worried! Don't tell me anything! Ahhh!

  5. Because of the dumbass poetry moron. Nothing else. Well...she's a bit proud too. Could def come down a notch.

  6. Forget about Ashley (no pun intended toward my wife)... Maranda is where it is at. Gotta love the fiesty ones.

  7. I'm gonna have to give a huge nod to brjahu...she's by far the best...and hottest. With her and Thane in your squad you've got almost all biotics covered (esp if you're a vanguard). Love em.
