Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Friday, February 26, 2010

How to...

This is not gaming related, so forgive me on this.  I don't know if I'm surprised or shocked on this, but I was on youtube, trying to see all the latest MW2 glitches out there. (Mazen recently told me about this crazy one...)

Anyway, I typed in "How to" and I was then able to see the top 10 searches that began with "how to".  The list is as follows...

How to jerk
How to kill
How to be gangster
How to be emo
How to be ninja
How to save a life
How to make a smoke bomb
How to tie a tie
How to play guitar
How to make a paper gun that shoots

Thoughts? "Paper gun that shoots?"


  1. Also, upon actually researching some of these videos... Why the hell are there so many paper guns on youtube?!

  2. I'd shoot you with my paper gun if you were in range right now.

  3. my paper gun has no recoil, it would fit right in MW2.

  4. Mine's 123 years old, so I guess mine would be ok for MW2 also.

  5. my paper gun transforms into an airplane... makes for a good get away after it kills someone...

  6. I made the mistake of taking mine out in the rain, how stupid was that?

  7. here's that video by the way..
