Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Monday, February 1, 2010

16 games that are going to blow you visually in 2010

Here is a list of games that are supposedly going to blow us away visually. There wasn't too many surprises on this list... that is until I saw the 10th one down. Almost vomited in my mouth. Not saying it isn't going to look phenomenal but COME ON... you cannot put anything Halo on the same list as Crysis. This alone discredits the entire list.


  1. Oh, come on, don't hate. You haven't even seen it yet. Why would Bungie not be pushing their graphics like every other game out there. I accept the arguments against it's gameplay being the same ole' same ole', but give it a shot.

  2. I gotta agree with brjahu. Crysis is in a completely different field. The first one was AMAZING and to be honest, I've still been unable to fully use all of it's graphical enhancements. I have the card for it but I have Windows XP with no Direct x10. Should be getting it soon. Even on High settings, that game is incredible.

    I've seen the Halo 3 and unless it's a huge leap forward, it will fall far short of Crysis 2.

    And to be honest, some games may be on there for their graphical design and looks more than how far they push technology...

  3. I'm gonna have to go with brjahu on here. It's funny that Amateria says "you haven't even seen it yet" when the writers of the article say that they haven't seen anything more than we have.

    I'm SO tired of HALO. I'm gonna take a stand and not get REACH (beer me strength) I'll still read the books, but that's about it.

  4. Here's the thing with Crysis. I just bought a new laptop with one of the newer NVIDIA mobile graphics cards that "should" be able to at least play it... I can't even play it on the "medium" settings and on low, its not even worth playing.

    After seeing the "in-game engine" trailer of Reach, it is very hard to picture it getting any better. It is especially hard when you compare that to already existing console games like Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, God of War 3 (played the demo), Gears of War 2, and even Mass Effect 2. Granted ME2 doesn't have the best, it still shows that if such a massive (size and length) game like this can look this well, why the hell can't Halo stop looking like... well, Halo.

  5. Engine technology is foreign to me, something I wish I was more well-versed in, so it's hard to make a judgment on any game based off of that.

    All that aside, I hardly think that "graphical superiority" should be dictated by the tech, but more by the application. I encourage everyone to look at gameplay footage for the Wii game, Muramasa. The Wii being the technological black sheep of this generation of games, has really been utilized to make an astounding game. To compensate the lack of HD, a smoother, more gentler approach to the graphics was used, and the layering technique of older (16-bit) side-scrollers is employed, creating a stylized world with a seemingly large amount of depth. The final creative touch of choosing a more classic, Japanese art, color and textured aesthetic really makes it pop. Normally, I'd say that something like this looks pretty good... for a Wii game, but in Muramasa's situation, it looks good in general. Just don't indulge the comparison.

    Bungie does work hard at improving the graphics though. Look at the difference between Halo 1 and 2. Although the graphical "pops" were annoying, they found real solid ways to manipulate the same (not close - same!) hardware to make the game look years ahead of it's predecessor. Why couldn't the same thing happen between Halo 3 and Reach?
