Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Vanquish - Review

Picked up Vanquish over the weekend as i had a few days of gaming to fill in before Christmas break. Played the demo a while back and quite enjoyed it. Pretty much played it flat out over the last 2 nights and here's my thoughts.

Controlled-chaos. It's balls to the wall, over the top, don't blink or you'll miss something kinda game. At it's core it's essentially a 3rd person cover based shooter, it's super fast paced and exhilarating and turned out to be quite addictive.



There's plenty of over the top methods to go about the shooting madness. The controls are pretty standard for 3rd person shooting games but there's a nice little addition. You have a boost button which is used speed things up, you can do the boring stuff like sliding into cover but I found it far more exciting to do things like boost about on my knees while shooting, at this moment the game goes into bullet time and it's pretty badass. Bullet time can also be activated while jumping over cover and evading which makes out for some pretty spectacular shooting. I know bullet times been done like a million times before in games but this really makes use of it well and suits the game perfectly.

Spectacular moments

I lost count of the number of times I said "wow" to myself, there's a ton of show stopping moments, not just gameplay induced but stuff going on in the background was pretty impressive also. The scale of the game is generally pretty impressive, not quite as comparable as God of War say but it really does have wow factor moments.


Some brilliant cut scenes to go with the over the top action. Some neat touches where you switch to an FPS view where the mission briefing is delivered to you, hard to explain but it's a nice touch.


Highly polished and super slick. The action gets very intense and the game handles it very well, no slow down or pop in.


Gameplay (variety)

Although I absolutely loved the gameplay it's a shame there wasnt a little more variety to break up the intensity.


Haven't got a clue what i was fighting for or why. Some of it was a little predictable but it didnt really matter tbh.


Was over a little too fast, tempted to go thru it again on a harder level as it was a little easy on Normal.


I'd recommend Vanquish to anyone who likes fast and frenetic action games, it's like a cross between Gears of War and Bayonetta with some God of War epic scale throw in for good measure. Although it was very short and didn't have a lot of depth to the experience I really enjoyed it and would like to hear everyone else's thoughts. Try the demo which is on the market place it pretty much gives you a perfect taste of what the game's all about and how it plays.


  1. I bought a used copy of this and ended up bringing it back to exchange for something else. The demo got me so excited when I played it, but when I played the actual game, I felt the excitement wane, and I knew it was going to be a purchase I was going to regret.

    I think back to the time in college I spent laying on 3N3MY's floor watching him play through stuff, and this is definitely one I would love to do that with.

  2. That wasn't all we did on my floor.

    Looking forward to playing this one one once the price drops a lot.

  3. Yea I got it on rental, would be hard to justify a full blown purchase as it's so short. Still there's is some replay value in going back and doing it on hard and there are challenge rooms to complete also. tell - wat else happened on the floor?

  4. Sex and a lot of shame. A lot of shame.
