Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Poor and Divorced

The following is a guest post by former Backseat Gamers blogger Brjahu:

Poor and Divorced.

That is exactly what I will be after this next year. To be more specific, after November of next year. The list of of "must own" games just grew exponentially after watching the VGAs last night. I'll admit that I almost needed a change of pants after watching two specific trailers. Even if they were just teasers, that is all I needed to see.

The list of required purchases that keeps growing:
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (I turned and said my last good-bye's to my wife after watching this)
Mass Effect 3 (yes, I squealed a little... like a girl)
Uncharted 3 (I will have exactly 10 days to beat this game before Skyrim comes out)
Gears of War 3 (I admit, I'm pumped for the campaign)
Resistance 3 (early release as compared to the rest)
Portal 2
Assassins Creed 3 (if it is indeed launching)

Other games I'm interested in:
Arkham City (I plan on playing Arkham Asylum at some point soon)
SSX: Deadly Descents (I am a huge fan of SSX: Tricky... the source of my alias Kuix)
Killzone 3

A year with a new Elder Scrolls, Uncharted, and Mass Effect could probably equal the greatest gaming year ever... just saying.


  1. All very exciting, but let's not forget the most important news from the VGAs. Red Dead Redemption takes home "Game of the Year." BALLS!!!!!!!!!!!! AGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I think I actually agree with Red Dead taking home GOTY. After reading the list of nominees, there really wasn't anything all that fresh on the list. God of War, Black Ops, and Reach were all good games in their own regard, but over-glorified sequels at the end of the day. Mass Effect 2 was a great nominee, but I don't think it topped Mass Effect 1, which I think hurt it's chances. Red Dead broke free from a previous iteration's linear attempt, and brought the open world gameplay of GTA to the untamed wild-west. It may be frustrating, but I think it was a logical win.

  3. Next year, though, as Brjahu pointed out, is gonna be rough.

  4. Did you finish RDR? If not, do so and THEN tell me it deserves GOTY. If you're going on the "novelty" it's basically just the GTA formula cut and pasted into the old West. Not very original, busted controls, repetitive missions, lousy story structure punctuated by an anti-climactic ending, etc. = overrated overrated OVERRATED!

    Hell, I'd even take God of War 3 over this one. At least it's technically brilliant unlike the glitchy RDR.

  5. I didn't finish it. (who's surprised by that?)

    Which would you pick? I'm not disagreeing with the logic on it's faults, but what game really pushed something forward, or at the very least, changed something around? It might be GTA at it's heart of hearts, but they did take an older scenario and revamp it for it all. What did Halo give me - elite slayer? (Keep in mind, I love Halo.)

    The best news (which has already been shared here) was all the upcoming stuff... ME3 really got me pumped.

  6. I finished RDR and I loved it.

    I heard a month or two that they were pretty far along in Elder Scrolls V's development and here we have the teaser trailer. I hate teaser trailers, btw, haha...

    And a release date of 11-11-11, nice... probably the same date the next Call of Duty will come out...

  7. I also finished RDR and overall I enjoyed it... up until the end. I thought the pace, story, and setting were a nice refresh and it was "filmed" in a way that is unlike any other. I am not too surprised that it won. GoW would have also been a good choice. That game is probobly the most non-stop, epic experience I've had in gaming.
    However, my vote would have gone for Assassins Creed: Brotherhood had it even been an option. Absolutely loved it, and it is by far the best AC game to date. The gameplay mechanics are a nice improvement. They removed a lot of the "grinding" you have in the first 2 and the pace is nice. And of course, the story/ending always has a nice little twist.
    I finished Black Ops this weekend (finally) and although the story may be an improvement from its predicesors, the MP is just more of the same. The only reason it got a nomination was because of the amount of games sold. And for that, I feel it does deserve one.

  8. Where the hell is Kirby's Epic Yarn?!

    Yeah, I agree with Salad on this one. I enjoyed the hell out of RDR for 8 hours and then I remember specifically that I was just done. I didn't want to play it anymore.

    Mass Effect 2 should have won. Even though Amateria is right that's it's not as good as the first it's clearly the better game IMHO.

    Haven't played GoW3 yet, but I'm working my way there! Loving the hell out of the 1st one and I'm more than likely getting the PSP bundle with Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta inside so I'll have all 5 games come Christmas.

    Black Ops DOES NOT deserve a nomination. 6 million sales or not. It's a good game, but nothing worth writing home about anymore.

    Also....EA confirmed that Mass Effect 3 is launching for PS3 the same day as the 360 and PC. BOOYAH!

  9. Reach doesn't deserve a nomination either.

    I was also shocked to see that Limbo won an award. I'm just tired of this huge new wave of Indie games with a lovable/different art style, but tired old game mechanics and that catapults them into the "games as art" category and then GOTY. Retarded.

  10. Sorry for the triple post, but brjahu's right. The new Elder Scrolls will own, but it's gonna be hard to fight a dragon with the combat system of IV. Just sayin.

  11. Has it been confirmed that anything will be the same as IV?

  12. Well if the evolution of combat from Morrowind to Oblivion is any indication then "yes" it will be the same.

    I'm just looking forward to becoming a vampire again!

  13. Mass Effect 3 is reservable. First at my local store!
