Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Friday, December 31, 2010

Uncharted 2: Among Never Ending Spawns and Shark Jumping Moments

I'm on chapter 22 of this game and it's awesome in a ton of different ways, but last night, while doing a 2 and a half hour Uncharted 2 marathon, I got really sick and tired of the infinite amount of bad guys I keep killing.

The thing about the Uncharted games is they have tons of charm and, in my mind, are somewhat realistic. The comparison has been done a million times, but it's very Indiana Jones and the games are very good. I love everything from the amazing graphics, gameplay, script, voice acting, cut scenes, humor and plot, but my goodness....can I get either some better enemies or just fewer of them? I'm pretty sure I've killed more nameless nobodies in Uncharted 1 and 2 than Grunts, Elites and Brutes in all the Halo playing I've done......ever.

Drake is not a super human and that's what I love about him. He's a normal dude (physically speaking anyways) and the fact that I've killed hundreds and hundreds of guys, tanks and even 2 helicopters is a little crazy and really hurts the overall quality of the game.

The game is amazing and I don't really know what else Naughty Dog could do when pretty much all games need a bad guy (except Flower and Flow...all you need there is a mini game with motion control and a slick spit shine finish and it's all of a sudden art).

Did anyone else feel as I do when they were playing?


  1. Being the Uncharted freak that I am, I will admit that I cant say i know what you mean. The game is rather liniar, but i dont remember once running into a situation where I felt that it was just wave after wave of endless guys. I mean, yeah having a normal, average joe, killing tons of guys and blowing up everything in site may seem a little far fetched but you called it for exactly for what it is: its just like Indiana Jones. Look back at those movies, its exactly the same. Indy is killing tons of Nazis, and blowing up tanks and planes. Thats what makes it fun.
    Take the Indy formula another step. He isnt superhuman either but in every movie there is a paranormal event. The same goes in the UC games. In order for that to work, the hero has to do some superhuman feats or it just doesnt work.
    After the awesomeness of the first UC game, my expectations were incredibly high. Despite any of its flaws, it blew all those expectations away.
    Take it as it is, as a great adventure, and i promise you wont be disappointed when bits done.

    PS - its about time you finish it!

  2. I didn't have quite the same issue, but I had one problem area in each game.

    In the first game, it was the last stage. I kept dying on the last guy until I finally realized I had to just rush him.

    In the second game, it was towards the end where you have to climb a huge tower. I don't know if the guys there spawned indefinitely, but it sure seemed like a ton of dudes kept coming out of nowhere.

  3. I only had a chance to put a couple hours into the 2nd game while at my brother's this year. He has a PS3. What I played was fantastic and I wish I was able to finish it but alas, I do not have the money to buy a PS3. The wrecked sub was a great level and had some awesome scenery.
