Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Friday, December 31, 2010

IGN 360 Head Switches to PS3 as personal preference.... me! He covers some very good points and I agree with just about all of them.

The PS3 had a terrible start, but it's gaining tons of momentum (thanks Kevin Butler!) and I'm happy that they're finally getting some positive recognition.


  1. Actually you're not really like him at all, because where he says he's not a fanboy, you clearly are one....and it's annoying.

    As I've said before, I like both systems. I like playing both systems. I would never want to miss out on the exclusive titles of either system.

  2. Oooooooooooooooh.....Burn.

    Yeah, I don't really care either way. But as I've said before, uh...Dual-Shock sucks. That 1 simple thing has probably kept me from playing A LOT more PS3 games. We use the PS3 quite a bit in our house, just not for gaming, which is totally whacked out.

  3. I was a 360/XBOX fanboy for a long time. I just got sick of that piece of shit system and getting nickel and dimed to death by MS. In my frustration I wised up.

    I'm still bitter at MS and there's nothing the 360 can do that the PS3 can't minus a few exclusives, but that goes both ways. I'm happy to be a fanboy!

  4. (Without adding fuel to the fire, in all honesty, here...)

    Can I talk in a party while being in a another game yet? IMHO, that's one of the most foundational things that adds to the "socialness" of the 360 platform, and it surprises me that it wasn't a day one feature on the PSN.

  5. Cross game chat isn't a deal breaker. Playing games online for free and built in blu ray and wifi (I know the Slim 360 has it finally) is a big deal.

    I understand what you're saying about the social aspect of it, but I have a phone with unlimited minutes and nobody is calling it. If we're being really social we'll just play the same game.

    It's all preference and what not I just liked the article because...well I just liked it and while I know this guy is still playing his 360 for exclusives it's nice to see that I'm not the only one out there that switched or saw more benefits with the PS3.

  6. I can't believe I missed out on a collective community rip on 3N3MY.

    However, while he posts this link, its ironic that the same site (IGN) just named the 360 its system of the year. Go PS3!

    I'm an equal-opportunity hater of all systems. Still can't grasp the concept of selling one system, just to re-buy on another when the 99% of the time the games are EXACTLY the same. Maybe someday, this great mystery will actually make sense to anyone besides him, but until then, at least I feel better about myself everytime I think of 3N3MY.
    Oh, cue the comments about being a father. At least you'll have a financial lesson to teach your son when he's older and wonders why his father was such a dumbass.

    With love,

  7. I completely understand why 3N3MY did it, I don't necessarily agree with selling the xbox (I got a ps3 but kept the xbox) but to him he had a system that he felt cheated by due to all the money he has had to dump into it and since he bought a ps3 a few months back he hasn't even been on the xbox. So to him he sold something that was just sitting around collecting dust.

    I personally don't think enough people give the ps3 a chance cause they are die hard xbox fans which is fine. In the end its everyone's personal preference. I personally think using the lack of party chat as a reason to say a ps3 purchase was bad is completly failing to see that the ps3 does offer more in almost all other areas. Look at the graphics... the ps3 has higher potential and I believe in the next couple years the limitations of the xbox's hardware will become even more evident... I love my ps3 and my xbox and would never get rid of either... but I can definitely see why 3N3MY made the choice he did.

  8. We're off topic. I think everyone on here can agree that the PS3 is a great system. Almost all of us have one. Let's move on. I just personally am sick of seeing the fanboy stuff on this blog. If I want to read flamebait and fanboy ranting, I'll head over to the forums on IGN or GamesRadar.

  9. does this mean we have to stop making fun of 3N3MY's choices?

  10. It seems 3N3MY's frustration is with Microsoft and not necessarily with the XBOX itself as a console. I don't know if I would consider him a fanboy then. Which is very understandable... If I hadn't bought a new Alienware, I would have made the switch from 360 to PS3. 3N3MY is on there now, my brother is on there, and even though it isn't a huge annual expense, paying for LIVE gets annoying...
