Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

This Generation Only - Worst Games

Keeping this list thing alive what's the worst game you've played and completed? We've all played some bad ones, but who stuck it out till the end? Who really saw the game suck to the final credits?

Brjahu's post was excellent where it was a "disappointed" list where the game could still be good, but you were let down in some way.

This list just sucks. Let's see if you can even do two.

Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard - Hey it's Will Arnett and Neil Patrick Harris in a game! There's no way this won't be awesome!

Boy was I wrong. It had some very clever moments in it, but holy crap this game was a battle for me after the 1st hour and I swear it was like 50 hours long. Terrible AI and crazy repitition almost put me in a coma.

I finished it because I wanted the easy achievements.....I bear my shame like a scarlet "Achievement Unlocked" notification.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 - Thankfully this game was mercifully short, but it really only sucked so bad because I enjoyed the 1st one so much.

It took everything great about the first game and said "bugger off" and ruined it! Top of a short game with very few varying locations, terrible enemies, a way overpowered main character and one of the worst final boss battles of all time and you've officially made my "worst" list.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I can think of two easily, one still too fresh in my mind.

    TMNT - No I don't have a thing for the turtles, well not since I was like 8, but I wanted this for the achievements. I had to turn the volume all of the way down due to the constant "booyah" and "cowabungas" coming out of it.

    Homefront - Perhaps in a year I won't be so mad at myself for buying into the marketed hype of this game. The imagery used in the game is good, but the SP mission was outright awful. The graphics were early 360 stuff and the language was ridiculously bad. I understand the Fbomb will be dropped in war games, but it was done like every other sentence. And why do I have to wait for someone else to climb a ladder before me? Why can't I move a filing cabinet in front of a door? And why, oh why, does my AI teammates run into walls only to skip 20' ahead instantly. SOOO bad. I can't wait to get rid of this game like getting poo off my shoe.

  3. Good thing you put the COMPLETED requirement or both Juniper and I would have most certainly listed FFXII. But, the fact that you have listed this requirement will make this a little harder for me as my purchases are limited to games that I'm almost certain I will enjoy and keep. Here goes nothing...

    Dark Void - Great concept, terrible everything else. Graphics comparible to a last-gen PS2 game, controles that left you feeling like you never have any control, and the distrating voice acting of Nathan Drake (whatever his name is) make this a terrible game.

    NBA Live 07 - Seriously, I just don't buy/rent bad games. This is one of 2 games I have ever traded in... EVER. I used to be a huge fan of NBA Live games and concider Live 04 to be the best one. This game was a buggy suck-fest. I completed a couple of games, so that's why I'm counting this.

    Honorable Mentions (aka not completed): FFXIII and Haze

  4. Um... yeah... I really did complete FFXIII... seriously... haha!

    Homefront wasn't that bad, geez... but I guess your name is beg2differ... :P

    I can't think of any games right now that were that bad but I still finished them...

    Fear 2 comes to mind but it wasn't awful... just meh...

    Sorry, I'm the gamer who trades out or sells a crappy game instead of finishing it... :(

  5. Maybe making it so you had to finish the game was a bad idea.

    Oh well. A bad game is a bad game and the only reason I finished Matt Hazard was for achievements and TFU 2 was because it was about 4 hours long.
