Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


First of all, let me just scream when will people stop comparing EVERY SINGLE FPS to CoD!? Now that that thought is out of my system, I can proceed with my review... full of comparisons to Call of Duty.

• A new IP - it's not a repeat of the same game released last year on March 15th and this automatically made me like it a bit more. You may disagree but this earns points for me. Maybe I've played certain IPs too much and am burned out them.
• Setting - from Red Dawn to Freedom Fighters, I love the idea of America being invaded by a foreign country, in a "real" way, not some pop-arcade arnold movie. Even though this game out later than MW2, I feel that CoD ripped this game off. If that makes sense...
• Shock - this game will really shock you. Without spoiling anything, there was one part that really got to me, tugged at the heartstrings in only a way that a movie or book has before. Certains instances feel more "real", more a part of war than some effort to make you go "woh" and remember a scene from the latest pop-action flik. One scene in particular reminded me of Behind Enemy Lines.
• Graphics - people are complaining that they are outdated while they sink hundreds of hours into the same IP that has produced the same graphics since 2007 (right year)? The way the graphics were done and pictures placed over objects (I have no idea what technique or drawing method this is) reminded me of HL2 and Max Payne 2. A little dated but worked great for me since I enjoy that style.
• Vibe - I really got a HL2 vibe while playing the game (maybe it was the graphics) but this drew me in too. On the run from an evil empire...
• MP - the multiplayer is surprisingly good and very smooth! No lag, low pings, hits register. The MP is fast and furious and you die QUICK, which some people may not like. I enjoy it because it doesn't take an entire magazine to kill an enemy. And compared to other large IPs, this game has an amazingly smooth release. While you play, you level up and earn different unlocks, including the ability to add perks to vehicles. You can customize your kits with some pretty familiar perks. There is a point system for the kits so some may have 2 perks, others may have 3 (not sure if you can have more than 3). You earn Battle Points as you play which can use in game to unlock two abilities that you have or vehicles upon respawning. There is a personal UAV scan for 400 BPs that is pretty effective. RPGs are 250BPs so if a tank rolls up, bust that out and take out the tank. The vehicles can be annoying but there seems to be easy counters for all of them, except the chopper. The one time I bought the chopper I was taken out quick so I think I just need to figure out which launcher to use. :P It's a great blend between the two big IP franchise FPSs.
• History - the fictional future history of the world is done AMAZINGLY well. To the point where you honestly begin to believe that NK could invade the US someday. As unlikely as that sounds, the events put together in the story (and easter egg newspapers you find) really fleshes out the world. I've heard people bash the mere thought of NK invading the US. I assume these people read biographies and nonfiction books about Obama's childhood. I enjoy science-FICTION and fantasy and other FICTION so I'm in full support of a FICTIONAL story.

Now, the dislikes...
• Length - It's true, the campaign is super short. I think I completed it on Normal in 3 1/2 to 4 hours and it just... ends. Almost like they planned more missions but stopped. I really enjoyed the missions and the progression leading up to a big finale but then... it's done. Even 6 hours would have been acceptable but 4, or less than 4, is pushing it. Maybe it was a budget issue or whatever but they need to work on this for the second game. For an excellent length of an FPS, see HL2.
• Disconnected - as much as I loved the story and the atmosphere and fighting NK soldiers in neighborhoods and department stores, I still felt disconnected. I didn't connect with the characters or anybody I met along the way. Honestly, with some longer "down" time and drawn out scenes, maybe they could've built up some character development. You could have added an hour to the game easily by padding it with character back story.
• Too late - this game falls short because it's released AFTER another large IP that set the (very low and poor) standards for FPS shooters these days.
• Filling the wrong shoes - Though it isn't quite as bad as Medal of Honor, it still attempts at times to fit the shoes of other IPs. Game developers should consider coming up with their own ideas instead of attempting to copy (crappy) ideas from other developers. Homefront isn't too bad in this area but there is one part where you jump in a chopper and some oldy sounding music starts playing and it just irritates me cuz it's been done so many times. Freaking pick another song and I'll be okay with it. Play some melodic Enya or something, just for a break from "Hey, I'm in a chopper going to war so we must, Must, MUST listen to CCR." (I don't think that was the song but it was pretty much the same).
• Bugs - SP had some bugs and frame rate drops. However, I believe this was mostly due to me running Fraps as I recorded me playing through the SP campaign. I did the first two missions again (achievement hunting on Steam) and it ran smoother. Still some bugs though.

All in all, I'm not sorry I spent my money on this game. The SP fell a little short of what I expected but was still enjoyable and I'm still eager to finish a second, possibly third, playthrough. The MP is good, much better than expected, and this will fill in the tiny gap where the SP fell short. Good new IP and I'm looking forward to seeing what they can do with a second game. Not sure how long the MP will last me but it's a great break from the complete lack of MP shooters I've not been playing lately... since I'm burnt out on CoD.

Also, all the reviews are a little harsh on this game, and it's honestly because it doesn't have CoD in the title. Once people can get past that, it's a good game.


  1. You better stop all that CoD bashing. Bobby Kotick will come to your house and eat you.

  2. Good review and I'm glad you bought the game! Kaos Studios is a good developer that I'd hate to see go down because it's not a super mega blockbuster like HALO and CoD.

    BTW I too am very tired of every shooter being compared to HALO and CoD. I'm not even bashing those games because they are very good games, but my goodness even Battlefield gets compared to CoD and it's clearly the better game.

    If I had the funds I'd buy it in a second, but the short SP is worrying to me. Over the last year or so I've felt myself withdrawing more and more from MP and the only MP game I really want to play anymore is Bad Company 2.

    I just really dig SP games and FPS if it's done well and differently. Riddick, The Darkness, Singularity and Quake IV are great SP FPS games, but I don't think I could play another CoD SP campaign if you put a very real gun to my head with very real bullets....same engine....same design....are you sure Michael Bay didn't make this?

    It's in my queue on Goozex and I'll get it when I can.

    Trying to work out the finances now to get Crysis 2 at launch because a sandbox FPS with a magical suit allowing me to play how I want is pants wetting goodness to me!

  3. I was going to attempt to write a review free of all CoD references... and then realized how difficult that would be, since that is the shooter everyone seems to play. Unfortunately, I can't bash these people cuz I keep falling for it too.

    If you buy Homefront only for the SP, wait till the price drops. Good campaign but too short. If you'll put time into the MP like me, then it's worth the money definitely. I'm hoping this ends up like Assassin's Creed where the first game was good and people liked it and they completely improved everything in the second one.

    Btw, first Crysis was pretty cool... it's linear yet open with varied choices, similar to Dues Ex (minus the RPG elements) in that you can run right in guns blazing or sneak around and take out guys quietly.

    Trying to be good with my money but F3AR and Crysis 2 are going to be hard to avoid...

  4. Solid review.

    Bought the game myself and actually really like it. Single player does a great job of selling the story within the first 10mins and carries it very well throughout. Some of the set pieces are pretty stunning too.

    JR totally agree with you on the Half Life reference and also agree about the feeling of disconnect, didnt really know who I was and why i was such an important part of the resistance. Perhaps this will get fleshed out in a sequel or even a prequel, either way i'd be very interested to see where they go with it.

    MP is a blast. My summary i've been using when ppl ask what's it like. Like an arcadey battlefield. Quite enjoyed the time i've spent on it...problem i have. It's just not as good as Bad Company 2, of which i've still got unfinished business with so it's hard to justify playing it over that at the moment. I no way regret buying the game, i'm sure i'll get some more value out of it but it's likely that i'll trade it while i can get decent value on it and perhaps pick up Crysis 2 later on this week.
