Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

L.A. Noire - Tribeca Film Festival

Found this interesting. Games as art getting official recognition? Does this matter? Will the success of the game affect anything? L.A. Noire An Official Selection At Tribeca Film Festival


  1. I read something about this yesterday, but couldn't figure out how exactly they would be showing it off. This article says they'll be playing through one of the cases in the game in front of an audience. Interesting that this is showing up at a film festival.

    I know we've been ripping on Rockstar on here and I've torn RDR to shreds, but as I've watched more trailers for this, I've become more interested. I'm definitely not ready to commit to buying it yet, but I'm hopeful. Controls in the game could be a huge deciding factor. Am I going to have to tap A to run? I sure hope not.

  2. I saw this yesterday and I'm glad you posted it.

    I don't really know how I feel about it yet.

    It's cool because it's getting a level of attention and appreciation that no game has gotten before it, but....why did it have to be Rockstar?

    I guess it just goes back to my last post about them I did a couple weeks ago in that while they make "good" and "compelling" narratives and worlds I don't think that that should automatically translate (as gaming journalists never stop loving their games) to meaning that they make excellent games.

    I'll keep my eye on the game, but won't be purchasing it. So far it seems like a more "gamey" version of Heavy Rain.

  3. I feel that games are art to me so they don't need justification. I think I started to believe in this concept when I was in awe of the sunset in GTA: Vice City. Looks crappy now but I could just sit there and watch the sunset... and then go run over some pedestrians.

    But seeing stuff like a game honored at a film festival is interesting...

    Ebert can retire now...

  4. First time I've taken a look at the game. I'm probably way off since I only played the demo but it immediately made me think of a cross between GTAIV and Heavy Rain. Mostly due to the clue finding and investigation. Other than that, it looks to be a grown-up GTA.

    I'm sold!

  5. Juniper, I tend to agree, but I think it's from a different perspective. Games as an art form need to survive on their own, not necessarily steal thunder from other mediums. If games want to prove themselves as Art, then that needs to happen amongst the industry.

    As an amateur animator, this game's technology really irks me. As fantastic as the motion scan (?) technology is, it takes all the craft out of character animation. The "actor" when something is animated is two fold - voice delivery and animator... both work together to create a cohesive product. This new tech creates a seamless result, but it feels like we're taking a shortcut.

    That being said... good lord, does it look good! In a game where detecting lies, reading peoples motivations are (supposed to be) just as important the clue finding, I think this game has some potential.

    I do wish it weren't Rockstar, but more for their sake. This game has some steam behind it, but I feel like most of it is "from the maker's of GTA and RDR". This is could make for a disappointing social response, or an obligation on Rockstar's part to throw in something controversial and edgy and probably unnecessary. If they've "grown up" let's see them make a game without boobies. The presence of breasts does not equal maturity.
