Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Friday, March 18, 2011

This Generation Only - Best Games

This is not a best of all time list, but a list of the best games you've played this console generation and PC during the same timeline. Half Life 2 is not an option so don't try it because it was originally on PC and then ported to XBOX so it's too old.

I have a ton, but limit it to 3 and explain why you picked them.

1. Dead Space - Very few games give me the thrills like Dead Space. The atmosphere and back story are excellent, but the game also sports excellent controls and action. As good as Dead Space 2 was it's still not as good as the original.

2. Mirror's Edge - Probably the most excited I'd been for a new IP in I can't remember how long. The game was not perfect by any means, but making a first person running and platforming game work on that level is amazing to me. Couple it with a great soundtrack and an awesome aesthetic and you've got a stunner in my book.

3. Condemned - Monolith is one of my favorite developers and it was the first true "next gen" game I had ever played that really blew me away. Still the most visceral combat I've ever seen in a game and "Bart's Superstore" is the most memorable level I think I've ever played in any game....ever.

I'm looking forward to reading your lists!


  1. Limited to three... I'm definitely going to have to give this some thought. The first 3 games that popped into my head are:

    Oblivion - This was the second game I purchased "this generation" and it still has such a lasting impression. This was the first true RPG game I had played outside of Zelda and The Illusion of Gaia and it finally showed me what a true open world adventure could be. Every RPG I have played and will play going forward is instantly compared to Oblivion.

    Uncharted 2 - Uncharted 1 was the first game I purchased for the PS3 and I thought it would be impossible for a sequel to beat it... boy was I wrong. This game is phenominal in all aspects: technically, graphically, and story line. Naughty Dog has really nailed it. Let's just hope they don't screw it up with UC3.

    Bad Company 2 - I won't beat this horse anymore since we have brought this game up probobly more than any other on the blog. Not to mention, it is rarely negatively. Every other FPS wishes it was BC2.

  2. 1. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

    2. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    3. Call of Duty: Black Ops

  3. I love posts like this!

    - Mass Effect - As a good friend once told me, nobody does character (especially non-playable) quite like Bioware. The Mass Effect series isn't just fun as an RPG, but has set new standards for what it means to make choice in your games. The more personal of choices you make, the more effected you feel by the consequences of those choices. More so, it integrates it into the world's already rich storyline and background in a way that doesn't make it feel like a choose-your-own-adventure book. Bioware gets that it's not necessarily a moral decision unless the player has morals to begin with - what better way to set that standard than to give the player that responsibility? It sure beats Fable's approach - do you want horns, or a halo at the end of the game?

    - Portal - If I can't put anything HL2 oriented, then Portal is showing up here. Portal introduced some of the most innovative puzzle solving and some of the quirkiest dialogue and character. The thing that impresses me most about Portal is it's ability to weave the unique gameplay introductions into the storyline without making it feel forced or contrived, even better than Valve's previous efforts (anyone wanna do another seesaw puzzle?). In someways, I don't think Portal just represents an industry standard, but a benchmark for Valve as a company. Everything felt very balanced and thought-out.

    - Little Big Planet - I may catch some grief for this one, mainly since I haven't finished it, but LBP needs to be mentioned. As an exclusive to the powerhouse of this generation, one would expect that a PS3 exclusive would want to be pushing the grounds of realism, but Little Big Planet embraced a homey, craft material look that compliments the gameplay perfectly. In an age where gamers crave customization and creation, LBP doesn't let up. It may not be the end all of user created content, but it was a huge step in the right direction, and one of the most charming experiences I've played this generation. I look forward to exhausting the single player, downloading as many user maps as I can stand, then getting it's sequel.

    As an important note, I think Call of Duty needs to be mentioned more than jocularly (as much as I agree with the criticism). COD showed the industry that there is a way to make a multiplayer shooter that's fun for veterans, attractive to newbies, and equally addicting to all people. As frustrating as it is to watch Activision (read - Bobby Kotick) make one crappy decision after another, all while making more money than anyone should, they make a fun game. To say that COD hasn't changed the this generation of games/gamers would be a lie - for better or worse is probably the appropriate question now.

  4. Lists are fun!

    Oblivion - what brjahu said. I can still pick up this game and be in awe of the scenery, music, feeling of power as I take over the Dark Brotherhood. Cannot wait for Skyrim!
    Bad Company 2 - again, what brjahu said. One of the best console ports I've played, ever. Lives up to the battlefield name. A little disappointed that there was no prone though...
    Civilization V - I have roughly 200 hours into this game, just bought all the DLC for it while I'm not a fan of DLC, and the game just doesn't get old. This was a game I was hesitant to buy but had some fun playing IV after getting on sale on Steam. Just an amazing turn-based strategy game that I can't get enough of. I have 114 of 138 Steam achievements and I'm still trying to earn more.

  5. Ok, here's a real list from me:

    1. Left 4 Dead - I love this one. Relatively simple in design. Highly replayable. The best coop mode EVER, where you actually have to help your team out or you will die. This game makes you communicate and plan out attacks or defenses. I love the intensity that washes over the whole team when everyone is low on health and you hear the shriek of a hunter. Just awesome. Oh, and I love how the "achievements" in the game actually feel like achievements. Anyone remember getting "Untouchables" and the feeling of accomplishment? I do. It was the bomb-diggity.

    2. Gears of War - this was the game that really "wowed" me before I even had a next-gen console. Carpartz and I rented it when I was in town visiting and when I finally saw it, I thought, "Uh, yeah, this is a big step up from Xbox and Gamecube." Excellent graphics, audio, and gameplay. A fun and challenging campaign, especially in coop mode. I popped this baby in yesterday and played about half of the first mission and....yeah, it's still awesome.

    3. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - a tough choice for me for my #3, but I decided to go with this one. Some might argue that the combat isn't as brutal as God of War, or that the platforming isn't as smooth as Tomb Raider or Uncharted, but LoS just mixes so many different elements together and does it so well that it gets my #3. Bonus points for making a lengthy campaign that didn't make me want to cut myself (ahem...Uncharted 2). Kudos to MercurySteam for resurrecting an (excellent) dead franchise and I hope they rock it with an amazing sequel.

  6. Great thread...(apologies for lack of input over past month, mostly due to actually not playing anywhere near as much as normal, but i'm back and getting involved again, sounds like i've missed a few hot topics).

    1. Gears of War 1
    This for me was the game that lit up xbox live for me...sure i'd played some other games online already on XBL but for me Gears was the first game to stop me from spending all my online time on counter strike and switching over to xbox live. Along with an exhilarating MP the single player brought a completely fresh gameplay experience. Sure cover mechanics/stop and pop have been done in games before but not to the same level of polish and effectiveness as Gears. Along with the cover and shooting mechanics i really enjoy the story and setting, really looking forward to number 3.

    2. COD: Modern Warfare (only 1 NOT 2)
    Maybe slightly controversial considering my admiration for Bad Company 2 but I cant ignore how many good ideas MW brought to the table both in SP and MP. I've put more hours into MW online than any other game. Granted COD2 is where it all begun this generation for the series but i still hold MW as the best in the series and makes it into my top 3 list.

    Uncharted 2
    Perfect blend of Gameplay, Story and Cinematics and in Uncharted's case they're happening all at the same time. From a technical stand point it's in a league of it's own (closely followed by God of War 3). Multiplayer is an added bonus, but even without it, Uncharted 2 would still make the cut. Awesome.

    All shooters, but that's not a true reflection of my gaming library this gen. I like to think i'm very open minded when it comes to playing games, especially new IP. Perhaps I should of picked 1 from each of my favourite genres but that wasn't the point of the topic.
