Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Monday, April 4, 2011

What came before the NES for you?

I understand and appreciate the fact that the NES basically saved games from total annihilation and that it single handedly created about a billion gaming fans, but what did you play (if anything) before the NES?

I don't mean what you played at a friends house or played once or twice, but what was a system you played a lot and loved? What did you go back to again and again well before the NES was a blip on Nintendo's radar?

As a kid we had an Atari 2600 that I played, but it was a stellar gift from my uncle that gave me and my brother the Coleco.

I played the hell out of that thing and still own it to this day. My favorite game on it by far was Space Fury which played like a Geometry Wars, but with no walls so you could fly thru one side and pop up on the other side of the screen. There were all kinds of power ups for your space ship and the best part was the alien dude that would great you before battle and would rate you as a "worthy opponent" or told you that you basically suck. The ship moved with inertia which was a neat gameplay element.

All in all this was the very first game I ever loved and the theme song when the alien talks with you never ever ever ever gets old to me and still perks up my ears when I hear it. I true classic to this blogger and a game I owe pretty much everything to.

Here's a video that's actually a review some guy did of the game. He's entirely unfunny, but please watch the game for a couple least the music and alien greeting part.


  1. For me, nothing. There was a friend of the family that had an Atari but I was awfully young at that point. I was lucky enough to get an NES at a really young age and that was the first gaming system I ever owned and truly experienced.

    I am going to use this opportunity to thank my Dad. If it wasn't for him falling, shattering his angle by twisting it 360 degrees. He would have never been so bored at home that as a result, he purchased an NES for himself. Thank you dad for taking one for the team. It's because of you I have an addiction.

  2. Space Fury definitely needs a remake, haha.

    I started out as a little kid playing a hand-held football game with blinking red dots. Very similar to this...

    And then my dad had a Macintosh Apple II for work, an old black and white computer that I played some games on. Man, that was a long long time ago.

    Here is the PC version of a game I played (I think this was it), Falcon.

    And this racing game, Vette! The wheels were flat hexagons, haha!

  3. Juniper: HAHA! My parents had a red dot light game, but it was baseball! I played it a lot.

    The battery cover was missing so the batteries were always held in with tape!

    brjahu: Your dad sounds like a wildman!

  4. I loved that thing, man! I thought it was impossible but I played it and played it until I could beat it everytime. At least on easy. I forget if it even had a difficulty setting. Anyways, I would say that got me into gaming. So much fun! That was like 23+ years ago, I think.

  5. Atari 2600. I don't even know how we came to own one, but we did as far back as I can remember. We had quite a collection of games, too, but here are the ones that I specifically remember playing:

    Joust, Defender, Breakout, Adventure, Haunted House, The Empire Strikes Back, Galaxian and Missile Command.

    I think we had one of those handheld blinking dot games, too. Carpartz can help me out here if he ever bothers to read this.

  6. I definitely was drawn into the world of gaming through my NES, but I don't even have a recollection of how I found out about it. I only watched PBS, so no commercials would have hit home.

    Before that though, I had a game and watch. It was the first thing I ever got of a videogame nature, and I had that thing mastered. Getting an NES was mind boggling at first... how could things move so smoothly?!

    I'm going to use this opportunity to thank my mom. She was so cool... not only did she get me an NES for Christmas (after I convinced her that Mario Bros. would be the only game I would ever want for it...) but she also came home with Contra. I had no idea what a gem I had in my hands. I knew it was cool, but it wasn't until about 10-15 years later that I even realized that she had given me one of the most iconic games from that generation. She just trusted the dude at Funcoland.
