Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Activision Scared of Losing CoD


Maybe the fact that their scared shows that they know what they're doing wrong?

At least update the damn engine so it shows you put some effort into it as opposed to MW expansion packs.

Oh well. I do have a good feeling that the next CoD won't sell like Black Ops did. I think informed gamers are burnt out, but that the masses will still buy it.

Go Brink and Battlefield!


  1. As a gamer who's stuck with Black Ops for a long while, its easy for me to say that this is the best multiplayer they've pumped out. Thats not to say that its the most popular, or the best selling, but as a gamer who has seen his share of shooters and played online, this is good stuff. So many core elements of MW2 were unbalanced and never checked, and Black Ops trims the fat and leaves us with the core experience of what makes multiplayer fun. My only big beef is that it's team based games are as much team oriented as a game of "smear the queer". The only thing that sets apart an enemy from a friend in that game is a little nav point and the game not letting you murder a teammate. I'll stick with Battlefield, possibly even for the PS3. We'll see...

    I've mostly kept Black Ops for the social aspects of it. I have friends from my church who don't really diversify their gaming, and this allows me to play with them. I don't mind it, and having other motivation to play it other than "am I having the most fun I've ever had", allows me to see the good from the bad.

    I do feel ripped off by the maps though. So... mediocre.

  2. Black Ops wasn't a bad game, it definitely improved on aspects that were awful in MW2. It's just too little, too late and the single-player was rinse and repeat. I played through the first level without firing a shot just like that youtube video showed. So generic... but a new title every single year? I'm all about playing the next iteration in my favorite IPs but every freaking year? No way. That just burns you out. As amazing as some of my favorite games are right now, Starcraft 2 and Civilization V and Just Cause 2, I don't want to see another copy come out each year.

    I do agree on the social aspect and that has gotten me into some games longer than I would normally play just because I'm playing with friends.
