Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Red Dead Redemption

Juniper: "YES" I'm picking up my copy after work. I do have band practice tonight, but I have tomorrow off and will hopefully be playing all day after Masen's doctor appointment!

I'll admit that this was a last minute decision by me, but after looking at reviews and a lot of videos and talking very briefly with Lead Salad about it I think it's gonna be stellar. Not the biggest GTA fan out there, but I agree with Lead Salad that this is the time period, location and "life style" that Rockstar was meant to make a game for.

8 Player Free Roam looks like an MMO styled blast. Hope you guys get it as well.

Me, Lead Salad, brjahu (possibly) and at least one other guy on my friends list is getting it for sure, Patondeez, and he's cool as hell.


  1. Everyone but me is getting this game? Are you serious?

  2. ....and my buddy Will who sometimes comments on this blog.

  3. For the record, I never said I was getting it. ....I probably will, but I never said that before just now. God, I hate punkers.

  4. No, you sayz to00 me that there's a lot of gr8 games cumin out Tuesday and that youz didn't know which 1 2 get and that's when I took the liburty of telling everyonez elze that youz was gettin tit so then yu'd haf 2.

    Don't get it...I dare you!

  5. I picked it up and got about 3 hours into and it's pretty awesome so far. I've always been a fan of sandbox games... You can spend hours just hunting animals and skinning them...

  6. I flexed some time out yesterday and put about 6 hours into it. Man, it's fun stuff. I didn't even try the MP yet. The graphics are awesome as you gaze across plains and off of cliffs and what not. The horses seem so real, the gun battles are quick and engaging, the voice acting superb, cut scenes are great. Hopefully, I can be productive at work today cuz I can't wait to go home and play some more...
