Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Canceling my plans to Preorder Reach (DUN DUN DUNNNN)

I've been saying it and you guys jinxed it! Don't talk about grenades being too powerful or they'll take them away and we'll be stuck with Halo 2 and 3 all over.

Seriously, I'm majorly bummed about this because IMHO they were revitalizing the series. Bungie just does what the community of NEWBS bitches about and ruins the game for others. It's not like less people would buy the game if they kept the damage up where it should be. For me when it comes to actually getting kills in Reach a lot of it boils down to the increased damage of the grenades because the majority of guns are as powerful as a Super Soaker 150...or the KLOBB.

If they wanted to balance the game get rid of the damn Sword and Hammer, but I guess that would make too much sense.

Bummer. I was really looking forward to being proven wrong because the Beta is pretty damn fun.


  1. Don't even say things like this. Seriously. Sometimes changes get made, and they're for the better. I don't necessarily think they're changing it all from the whining and complaining about the grenades, but because they are too strong.

    I was doing some thought about it last night, before this was posted and before I read anything about it, and I was trying to think how the Halo CE grenades were so strong, but still didn't feel that unbalanced, and I think it was the map design. Most of the maps in Halo 1 were much wider, more open than the maps in halos 2 through Reach. As a result, the stronger grenades didn't have as much of an effect because you had to be more acurate when you through them. In the Reach Beta, at it's current state, it sometimes feels like grenade spam from COD. So yes, despite really enjoying the new found destruction grenades can offer, I'm happy they're getting toned down a tad.

    Please don't cancel your pre-order... we love playing with you. :(

  2. I agree with the above post. In Halo CE the maps were bigger/more open so you had to be more precise with grenades. Given that the maps in Reach are smaller, I find the solution to be EASY: keep the damage the same, just minimize the blast radius of the grenades a little bit. This would DISCOURAGE randomly throwing a grenade into a Hill/Territory/Flag zone (a "general area") before you can even see what's there and ENCOURAGE patience and throwing accuracy. Taking it even further, they could limit the number you carry to just 1. Remember how in CoD4 you could carry 3 frag grenades at once and the SPAM that resulted? They limited the number you could carry in MW2, a change for the better.

  3. I would also encourage this blog to read the original post ( )
    and read the Bungie written description of how grenades are being tweaked. It's under the sub-heading of "Go Boom". The Bungie description isn't so blunt and much more specific. An adjustment is different from a nerfing.

  4. Good read for sure, but any sort of adjustment that makes killing someone with a grenade harder is by definition nerfing.

    I'll be interested to see just what the "adjustments" are and I think they've done a good amount of trying to shake things up, but my core problems with the HALO are largely unchanged. Weapons are too weak is the BIG one. Takes way too long to kill someone with a straight up gun. By the time you've unloaded the clip and reloaded chances are the enemy has run around a corner and is lying in wait OR they've closed the gap between you and he melees for the kill.

    TEAM SWAT is a bitchingly awesome time. Reminds me of the "INSTAGIB" mutator from the Unreal games.

  5. Amateria: Forgot to mention that not all changes are good. I think you know this, but in your response you said that, "Sometimes changes get made, and they're for the better." It's all subjective to the person.

    Which is why you and I have always gone round and round about HALO.

    I'm still not going to preorder and when you guys get it at launch I'll wait to hear what you guys think about it. Honestly, I'll pretty much only be listening to what Lead Salad says about it because he has the most honest hype and nostalgia free input on games of anyone I know of. Can't tell you how many times brjahu told me that the latest Gears of War patch fixed everything.

  6. I don't know if this link will work but I found the results pretty funny... most overrated console exclusive...

  7. ...and guess which one I voted for... :D

  8. hahahaha I saw that the other day. I voted for Heavy Rain (would have liked to have voted for it being the most overrated "movie" of all time), but I could have told you the results of that poll as soon as I saw the picks. Mario was a close 2nd for me

  9. I picked Metal Gear Solid 4. That's more of a movie than Heavy Rain.

  10. I never played those so I couldn't really vote for them... I think the whole idea of having a movie with some tiny parts where you control a character just made me generally avoid them, haha...

  11. Lead Salad: You win. Seriously, I must not have seen Metal Gear on the list otherwise I def would have voted for it. I hate that series.

  12. Although he hasn't commented in a while, Mazen could definitely defend Metal Gear pretty well. He and I have danced around that one for a while.

    I think Metal Gear is just a shame... it's got a pretty cool premise for a story, but the long overextended dialogue and the dated gameplay I think really limit it's potential.

    Metal Gear box art is awesome though. "Big Boss..."

  13. "You really mean....................THE Big Boss?"
