Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Current/Upcoming Games and 3D

Just FYI, Hard Corps: Uprising hit the XBLA today. It is Contra in everything but name. Same music, same run-and-gun 2 player coop, weapon power-ups, etc. I was going to wait and get this game on the PSN due to the Dualshock having a better d-pad, but after playing the demo this morning on Live, I have no problem with the stick. I don't want to wait, since I still haven't heard a release date for PSN, plus I've been sitting on 2400 points for a while waiting for something to buy.

Also, I traded out Black Ops this week and put my trade-in credit towards Bulletstorm on the 360. Crazy, over-the-top FPS with skill kills and an interesting scoring system. I loved the demo and the game has a 4-player coop mode. I've tried to convince some of you to get it, but nobody seems to be sold. Maybe it's just because you didn't like it, or maybe it's for financial reasons, which is fine. I'm just putting it out there that I'll have it so if anyone wants to join me, that would be sweet. It releases on the 22nd, but I won't be able to pick it up until the 25th because I'll be out of town on a work trip.

And finally, 3D in games. I read some articles a few months back about how 3D in Call of Duty: Black Ops wasn't all that terrible. I tried it out in that game, but since it was on the 360 it wasn't really a "true" 3D, so I withheld judgment. However, I have now tried out the 3D in the Killzone 3 beta, and I have to say that I'm not really a fan. I don't know the ins and outs of 3D that well, but it just seems that when I flip on the 3D feature, the game instantly loses resolution and the colors become muted somehow, losing their vibrancy. I haven't played enough to see how long I can go before I get a headache. It seems inevitable, though, since it does seem to put a weird strain on your vision. You get a little bit more of a sense of depth, but it just really does not seem to be worth all the hoopla. I don't see it catching on.


  1. Well...I'm definitely in for Contra. I've been waiting for a xbla Contra game from Konami for quite some time. I might not make a decision about Bulletstorm until i see a few reviews. Access to the Gears 3 beta is a nice selling point though. But I don't want to base my decision on that. I want to be buying a game because it's good. As far as 3D goes, for movies or for games, I hope that Toy Story 3 will end up being the last movie I see in 3D. That was back in June, so I'm sticking to that pretty well so far. It's very gimmicky.

  2. 3D does seem like a fad/trend that won't last long. It's cool in movies but it's not worth the ticket price increase. As for games, I haven't even tried nor do I really want too.

    The Bulletstorm demo was pretty fun. Some of the stuff was annoying but merely in the kill titles, like get gag reflex or gang bang kills. Might get it on Goozex at some point. Not sure if I'd do PC or 360.

  3. In "Enslaved" they get to this one room in a building with boxes that all say "3D TV" on them and Trip asks, "I wonder what all of these boxes are?" Monkey responds, "Probably some technology that was a fad and didn't make it."

    My quotes weren't exact, but the point is the same.
