Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Dead Space on the brain....

I know you all know, but there are few games I've played that stick with me like Dead Space. Something about it's mix of horror, atmosphere, mysterious story and ominous setting just mix perfectly with me. I have very few criticisms with the game and have played through it an embarrassing amount of times.

Should I be surprised when I find myself seriously considering purchasing the Playstation Move to play Dead Space: Extraction when I get Dead Space 2 in January? It's a rail shooter, but still one of the better Wii games in existance and from what I've read actually does the genre a favor by showing that it doesn't have to suck.

I can find no better reason or game type to get the Move for. Not that I'm looking for a reason to buy one, but the thought of playing a great game in one of my favorite IPs in a style I absolutely loved as a kid (Lethal Enforcers or Time Crisis anyone?) just seems like a perfect storm for me to throw it on the Christmas list.

Plus, Killzone 3 will be Move compatible, but let's be honest....that'll probably play like garbage.


  1. Although Extraction looks like one of the better Wii games out there, I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone to call it one of the overall better games around.

    Find a used move controller at your local game retailer, that way you can return it if it blows.

  2. I'd rather give up gaming than play Dead Space again... the worst controls since... well, since controls were invented.

    The people who moved this from console to PC should quit their jobs and work at McDonald's...

  3. As a game that doesn't sport cartoon characters of any kind or avatars that don't have arms or another Nintendo franchise I'd say it's still one of the more solid "grown up" titles on the Wii.

    I'll admit I haven't played it, but if the tons of reviews that say it's one of the stronger titles on the Wii are to believed then I'll go with that. Also, the quality of work with Dead Space leads me to believe that they'd make a solid rail shooter with the franchise on Wii.

    Plus, metacritic gave it a great score! They're always right!

    Juniper: I never played it on PC, but for my dollar there's no better action game on the market.

  4. Yeah, you should play it on your 360. It had pretty solid controls from what I remember.

    What made the PC controls so bad?

  5. The movement of the character lagged behind the movement of the mouse. It created this slow, sluggish feeling that completely contradicted the survival/horror/doom feel of the game. I loved the concept of the game but the controls should go in the video game history books as being some of the worst ever designed.

    Also, the movement of the character felt extremely slow. If I'm playing a spooky game, I better have some FEAR or DOOM controls.

  6. DOOM 3 is STILL the reigning champ for games that scared the crap out of me. I actually screamed in fright 2 times. I could never play that game for more than 45 minutes straight. I was way too worked up, but I couldn't give it up. It was a stellar game...even on the original XBOX. Co-op was a blast too!
