Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"Wii is a piece of s&*$!"

Ran into this a week back and thought it was funny and figured I'd repost it. It's 3 years old now and this guy was hating it back then. I like that he not only said it sucks because it's underpowered graphically, but also the CPU is too weak to make a complicated AI. Got to give him credit for not sugar coating it.

The next day he apologized, but I just read another article that was written yesterday of him defending what he said, but that he regrets the way he did it. Still funny.


  1. Somebody is having an adult temper tantrum. Temper tantrums that normally come from the young audience Nintendo is marketing too.

    Again, I'll point out my girlfriend's 3 kids, who don't care about graphics or AI or CPU processing power. They want to play "fun" games, the very ones Nintendo has stated they are making.

    I don't know why so many hate on Nintendo for not marketing to them. That's like me hating a car company that chooses to market an expensive car to the wealthy or a blind person hating Sony for marketing TVs to people who can see. It's ridiculous.

    I'll be content to game on my PC and 360 and leave the Wii for another market.

  2. I've actually gotten a lot out of my Wii since I got it. I may own only first party titles, but they're well made, and fun for all.

    I don't mind the "lack of innovation", because what it lacks in new ideas, it makes up in solid reiteration of decent, well placed game design.

    I may not be getting out of it what Nintendo wants me to get out of it - "ever think about adding some waggle to this?" - but it has been a fun time.

  3. I own a Wii, havent played it for prob nearly 2 years, Zelda and Mario Galaxy are the only 2 games i've bought and thoroughly enjoyed both of them. Galaxy 2 is on my radar and the Metroid games i've just not made the decision to buy them...yet.

  4. Skatch, I cannot recommend anything MORE than the Metroid Prime trilogy. Whether you get them all separately or together on that "Trilogy" disc, just do it.

    (And just for the record, I don't own a Wii, but did borrow one just to play Metroid Prime 3.)

  5. The review of Donkey Kong Country returns went up on Kotaku, along with a short gameplay video showing some of the more challenging style gameplay this one's gonna have. People always complain the the newer Nintendo IPs are too easy - boo yah! (It should be noted that DKC returns is developed by Retro Studios!)

  6. Excellent point Amateria! I was going to rip on DK until I read in the review that it was a challenging game and then further read that it was developed by Retro Studios!

    I never finished Metroid Prime 2 because I got sick of backtracking and it couldn't live up to the shrine that I have dedicated to the 1st game. I never played 3.

    I relish in the fact that the best reimaginations of Nintendo's IPs are not by Nintendo. Go Retro!

  7. Irrelevant to me... It might be done by a different studio, but the concept, regardless of who it was re-done by, is still at the heart of so many Nintendo fans. Could retro make a new, non-Nintendo, 2D side-scroller and get the same hype that DK brings to the table?

  8. Of course not, but it was Rare that made the old DK game anyways.

    Just like a new shooter that IS CoD, but without the same name would never sell like it would if it had CoD on it.

    You've said many a times how easy Nintendo has made modern Mario games. I'm just applauding Retro for making a hard game again. Especially since the original DK on Super Nintendo was 3 notches above "newb".

  9. You might get away with calling the first DKC easy, but 2 and 3 will cut your nuts off and hand 'em to you in a to-go box.

  10. I am also really looking forward to this game... I love the 3 original ones and actually still play them with my wife to this day. I have to disagree. With you guys on the level of difficulty on the first one, although most of the game was quite easy, the final boss (krule I think was his name) is IMPOSSIBLE! I still have a hard time beating him to this day... have you guys thought about giving dk his own post?
