Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Is it just me or is MP getting boring?

Seriously, I know I've been saying it for a bit now, but I could almost care less about MP gaming anymore. Even with you guys (who are some of my best friends) I just don't have a desire to play. Coop is about all I can handle. Maybe I'm going gaming impotent or I am so old now that I'm returning back to my childhood as old people do an all I want to play is SP stuff. Speaking of SP stuff The Saboteur is a lot of fun and once you get past the learning curve Bionic Commando is a LOT of fun and pretty difficult to boot!

Bad Company 2 is all that I'd play competatively anymore and MAG (at least giving it one hell of a go/try) whenever I get my damn PS3.

Am I alone in this???


  1. I can take MP in smaller doses these days. I just took a good month or so break from playing BC2 but have been hopping on the PC a little more lately. I did do some of the Starcraft 2 beta... but yeah, SP is more relaxing to me these days.

  2. MP almost feels like work sometimes, which I think might be the big turnoff for me. I still get a kick out of a new multiplayer game, and the process of ranking up, learning the nuances, beating the glitchers... it's all fun to me.

    More so than specific genres/styles of games, I've just felt so busy lately. I really want to be on more in general, alone or in groups. (Red Dead co-op was a blast and want to keep doing it) Sorry if my presence has been lacking. It's been rough lately, and besides all the good time consumption in my life that's been going on (marriage and a honeymoon), a lot of bad stuff has been happening as well (stress with our church, and smaller stresses at work).

    Hopefully I'll catch some of you on soon.

  3. MAG... you seriously are making me laugh. With all your bitching about MP games, and without knowing ANYTHING about it, you have spoken very highly of it. I give you 2 weeks with it (less if you were honest with everyone about your feelings).

  4. Not praise you retard, but just a desire to play it. If it sucks then it sucks and I'll trade it back on Goozex and still won't get Bioshock 2.

  5. At this point, the only reason you won't is out of spite against me. I'll just smile, and go back to playing Gears 2 again... haha.

    PS, has anyone beat Red Dead yet?

  6. I beat Red Dead! The end gave me mixed feelings! Definitely didn't see it coming... gave me chills...
