Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Alan Wake = Bamboo Shoots Under My Fingernails

I just purchased this game today, based on some decent reviews. That is $60 down the drain. I can't believe someone would design crap like this and package it up as a game. Writing a cool story and then giving it some of the lamest gameplay to ever come in contact with a game just disgusts me. The premise is cool and the story starts to draw you in... until you are forced to die & respawn, die & respawn, die & respawn, die & respawn, die & respawn, die & respawn, die & respawn cuz there isn't enough ammo in the whole entire world and the dodge mechanism works half the time and every enemy can run much, much faster than you can... even while you are sprinting... And I was missing one out of every 10 or more shots fired. I was doing some serious conserving.

Not to mention all the ammo and weapons I horded from the first episode are COMPLETELY stolen from me! The game is a weak, not quite as scary copy of Silent Hill. This rant just had to happen, I was so pissed off someone would design this garbage.

If it wasn't meant to be scary, it failed miserably. If it was meant to really, really piss me off, it succeeded brilliantly. Please stay away from this dookie disguised as a video game.

+ That I can trade it in on Goozex and earn points for a game worth playing
+ That I have several other unfinished games lying around that will now be completed

- fear and suspense disguised as lack of ammo
- a protagonist who can knock a guy down in a cut scene but has no melee attack... at all... for all the times you have no ammo... at all...
- yet another game where water does not exist (up until the start of the game) and no one has learned how to swim during child swimming lessons, parents owning a pool, having a creek behind their subdivision, having a beach nearby, or even in gym class in high school
- that this game was scheduled to be released much earlier... and this is what everyone waited for?
- that someone play tested this and thought anything positive at all...
- and I thought FFXIII had bad gameplay!?
- some game companies have reviewers in their pockets...
- if uwe boll made a movie out of this game, it would be better than the game...
- music albums have Explicit stickers and parental warnings but video games do not have Bad Gameplay warnings...


  1. LMAO! Sorry about the bad break man, but like you least you can swap it on Goozex for 1000 points!

    I especially like the Uwe Boll comment.

    I have found myself thinking about the whole "scares vs good gameplay" from time to time. Especially when thinking about RE 4 and 5 (the earlier iterations don't count because of their ground breakingness), the Silent Hill games and Dead Space.

    RE 4, 5 and Silent Hill all limit your offensive abilities as a way to enhance to suspense. I think it's a really cheap game mechanic and it's really retarded that it's that bad in Alan Wake. These are the guys that brought up Max Payne and I expect more from them than that.

    Dead Space is a phenomenal example of a scary/intense game that has great control. It allows you to aim AND walk/sidestep at the same time! You have a beefy melee! You can sprint!

    Bottom line is that I'm glad you played this before I did. I may give it a shot down the road, but those types of things irk the hell out of me because it's such a dated style.

  2. I saw some Max Payne references, which was really cool. But yeah, I HATE lack of ammo or crap like that to make you scared. It just ticks me off. Fallout 3 had limited ammo but if you sold other stuff and scrounged enough, you could find plenty...

    And I got 1200 pnts on Goozex and I'm mailing it today, haha...

  3. I was playing on hard mode and did not have a problem. This is actually one of the more easier games I've played in a while. Maybe you just weren't exploring enough? And dodging is kinda weird, but once you realize it just has a 3 second cooldown you're good. And I had plenty of ammo and batteries to spare. I did run out at one point but there was a safety light thing just ahead of me and I was saved. Yeah, enemies are super fast, but that's the idea. And the best part of the game I think is the way they created the environment to really have you literally jumping at shadows. So many times I'd be running along and I'd do a double take at a bush or a sign or something, thinking it was a guy coming right for me. Dated gameplay, yeah, but super great environments and storytelling.
