Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Friday, June 18, 2010

360 Loyalist Finally Takes the Plunge

Finally got a PS3 as a Great Father's Day surprise from the wife! I already have quite a few games that I've been getting from goozex and the 2 that came with the system. I have God of War Collection, Heavenly Sword, inFamous, Killzone 2, LBP, Resistance 1 and 2, MAG and Uncharted.

I've had the last 2 days off and I've put a considerable amount of time on the system since I got it and so far I love it. I will admit hooking it up and waiting an hour for the update to finish and then updating all the games was a pain in the ass, but I really like it.

brjahu said it best when he said it's more of a computer than a console and I would agree. From the way you have to install everything, to the menus and the far larger amount of options for everything from video to audio output its definitely a more PC styled console.

It's been interesting seeing how not just one game on the PS3 does shooters, but all of them. They all control primary and secondary firing from the shoulder buttons!? What the hell sense does that make? Getting used to playing Killzone 2 was a huge pain in the ass especially because of the "weight" your character moves around with. After I nailed it down I've loved every second of it. MAG and Resistance are set up similarly.

I guess that it's seemed a little like a breath of fresh air after being with the 360 since launch. Not that the 360 is bad at all and honestly it's vastly superior to the PS3 as far as the friends lists goes and partying up. I guess I've just slowly felt myself turning on the 360 when I think about how much money I've dumped down the drain on just the hardware for that thing. Admittedly I haven't had to purchase it all, but I just feel taken advantage of. I've had to purchase 2 360s, HD DVD drive, LIVE for 6 years, wireless adapter and a 120gb hard drive and extra controllers. That's over 1400 bucks there.....just on hardware (waiting for Amateria's avatar clothes jokes).

Also, MS has always had a bad attitude about monitoring everything that goes in and out of their service. Basically they don't want to give out anything for free and that's their business, but it is a little annoying after so long. Goofing around in LBP for a few hours and having some of the neatest interactions I've ever had online with other players has proven to me that user created content is not the devil!

Bottom line is that I've been so impressed with the PS3 I'm going to start buying multiplatform games for it starting with Dead Space 2. I'm also looking forward to replaying my favorite 360 games on the PS3 just because I can.


  1. $1400!?!? Geez, when I built my PC, it was $1500, haha. :P Of course, I've upgraded with a quad core and better GPU and Windows 7. And that's all in 2 1/2 years... ;)

    Anyways, I got to put some time into a PS3 when I was on vacation in April at my brother's. The updates are a PAIN! The one for AC2 took forever... and the game was laggy with a pretty slow frame rate. I wasn't that impressed with it. The graphics were definitely better but that could also have been my brother's 1080 TV versus my 720 or whatever it is... A Crack in Time ran smooth and so did Uncharted 2 (which was meh).

    And Fat Princess was an AWESOME game... play the demo.

  2. I would buy fat princess to play with you guys. I've enjoyed my PS3 thus far, but like most things, I've got a to-do list. Let me know when you're cranking through Uncharted 2, I'd like to do it with you.

  3. I definitely agree about LIVE being a better online service (obviously) after our first attempt at playing stuff together last night on PSN. All I wanted to do was invite you into my game and it was like a puzzle.

    It is also really annoying how MS charges you for pretty much everything. I'm not talking about LIVE. I really don't have a problem with the $50 a year. Heck, most of the time you can find a deal somewhere for significantly less (my current year cost $30 from some sale at Wal-Mart). I mean the controllers AND battery packs (while Dualshock has a built-in battery that seems to last longer). The $100 wifi thing - that was always the biggest annoyance to me. I felt like since MS had the $50 online service, THEY should have been the ones with the built-in wifi. Messenger pads, cameras, etc. Hard drives are RIDICULOUSLY overpriced. I think at one point a 120gb hard drive cost $150, while a 1 TB external hard drive for a PC is $100. Granted, most of it is unnecessary, but they still charged a lot for this stuff.

    I still don't get replaying 360 games on PS3. It seems like a huge waste of time, not to mention $ (OR Goozex points). I think the PS3 has enough solid exclusives now to keep one busy for a long time.

  4. I know that maybe replaying the games that I really love on the PS3 seems a little silly, but I'm really looking forward to it. Prince of Persia, Mirrors Edge and Dead Space are games that I hold in very high regard and replaying them will be just as much fun as it was the first, 2nd, 3rd or 4th times I did. I love them and I can't help, but want to replay them on my new system.

    They do have plenty of good exclusives on the PS3 tho that's for sure.

  5. glad u've taken the plunge. Quality system, sounds like you've got the best pick of games too. Interested to hear your thoughts on Infamous, been tempted by this one since it launched. Killzone and Uncharted 2 my favorites tho...not sure what your personal thoughts on Metal Gear is but i hightly recommend MGS1 from the PSN and then obvioulsy MGS4.
