Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Red Faction: Guerrilla

Has anyone else played this? I've had it for some time and have just been waiting to get around to it. I put a little over 2 hours into it this weekend and have had a lot of fun.

For those of you that don't know the game boasts the most realistic demolition/destruction engine in any game ever. If there's a building or structure in the game you can bet your bottom dollar that that sonofabitch will fall.

The game is nothing extraordinarily riveting. It's standard rebels vs mega corporation bad guy, but it's a lot of fun. My wife heard me giggling maniacally and literally asked, "What's going on?" I was having a ton of fun blowing crap up.

The whole game is one giant excuse/sand box to showcase their Geo Mod 2.0 destruction engine and I'm okay with that. Guns are tight and handle well, the explosives are explosivey and there's nothing that the sledgehammer of God can't take out.

Good game. Try it if you're up for knocking shit down and watching the amazing physics engine at work.


  1. The destruction in BC2 is awesome... but I kinda miss the good old days of cover actually being cover and providing you with cover, haha... this the game that takes place on Mars?

  2. As to be expected I spent a total of an hour (maybe) trying to get used to it, but it really wasn't my cup of tea. I did like the destruction I got to, but it took a while to get to it...

    Maybe I need to spend some more quality time with it to get to know it's higher level destruction. I was all rippin' and roarin' to tear stuff down, but the game was all about getting me to care about stuff before I got into it.

    Concerning destructible elements and cover, Juniper, I know exactly what you mean. Environments and structures that break and fall are awesome (especially when it isn't pre-rendered like in Force Unleashed), but it really does hurt the game when we depend on those blown up elements for cover and safety. I was surprised, actually, with how well BFBC2 worked out in that regard. The destroyed elements became their own forms of pseudo-cover... rather than eliminating the environment, it seemed to change and evolve. I'm thinking of one in particular on a snow map... the house in the middle point would always collapse mid game, but it still worked well as a competitive point.

  3. Yeah, the blown up cover was good and I LOVE destroying stuff in games... but it can suck when you can get shot from every corner no matter where you are... mortar strikes, noob tubes, tank shells, rockets, bullet penetration, etc., etc...

  4. Bought it on day one, wasnt for me really. didnt find the SP overly enjoyable although the destruction was fun to play about with. MP was a laugh with mates but i only kept it for a week or so.
