Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Monday, October 4, 2010

ME2, New Vegas, Fable III, Black Ops

Just finished ME2 and it was pretty darn good. 3N3MY's review was spot on. Great game but the toned-down-for-noobs RPG elements were a little annoying. I guess they were marketing for a wide market of gamers. The characters you pick up along the way are all pretty cool and really feel like the dangerous people they're supposed to be. And the game really rewards you for playing through the first one, from an achievement at the end to feeling even more attached. I played as female since I always play male in games. Just for the heck of it...

Is anybody going to be able to put Reach down to play some other great titles coming out. Since I've been attempting to budget my money better, I can't decide which games to buy new and which ones to impatiently wait until I can receive them on Goozex.

New Vegas, Fable 3, Black Ops... crap! They are all must plays for me. Fallout 3 in the desert? Heck yes... Rule the world as a king in Fable 3? Heck yes... and with a confirmed zombie mode, co-op vs. bots, designated servers, customization, contracts, no commando, no infinite sprint, ability to ban players... way to redeem IW's mistakes, Treyarch. It'll hold me over until Battlefield 3 comes out...

New Vegas or Fable 3 as a day one 360 buy? Comment below and I'll buy whatever gets the most votes...

PS - Now if only I can get my PC running smooth... :'(


  1. Are you saying you'll be getting Black Ops for 360 since your PC is on the fritz?!

    Honestly, I've put my money on a no name game called "Enslaved: Odyssey to the West" and it launches tomorrow. It's a solid SP game and as far as Black Ops I'm totally undecided on whether to get it at launch or wait till XMAS. Honestly, I prefere World at War over MW and I think Treyarch makes the better MP map. Like Juniper I'm looking forward to them fixing what IW broke and left broke.

    I know I'll get Fallout, but not at launch. I'm interested to see how it goes without Bethesda at the helm and Fable 3 will be good I'm sure.

    Not really in a rush to play anything RIGHT NOW besides Enslaved. I'm sure I'll have a review up about that in a week or two.

  2. I'll probably end up getting both. I'll get the 360 version off of Goozex so when I have people over, we can play. I don't know about the PC version... gotta figure out what's corrupting my Windows files first.
