Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Power A PS3 Controller

A long while ago I remember reading about this amazing new PS3 controller coming out that rips off pretty much everything from the 360 controller and I couldn't have been more excited!

Well, it just launched and normally it retails for 50 bucks, but I just ordered mine for 35 on amazon! As much as I love my Afterglow, that Lead Salad found, the Power A is wireless and still packs in sixaxis control. User reviews are very positive and the several "professional reviews" I've read say it's a great controller and what 360 players have been waiting for.

I'll let you guys know how it goes when it gets here.


  1. Problem? Now that I'm thinking of it you're a big DualShock fan correct? Is that where the fail comes from?

    I've tried and tried, but the DS simply kills my hands after 30 minutes. I truly detest that dated controller. Get with the times Japan!

  2. I followed the link, then stumbled on the new looking 360 controller... sexy.

  3. Lead Salad and I were talking about the new 360 controller earlier today. Why the hell did it take 5 years to be released?!?! Just sayin....

  4. Agreed. Not that I use the D-Pad for a whole lot... I might be tempted by Marvel vs. Capcom 3 if I had it though.

  5. I like the dualshock. I also like the 360 controller. But the dualshock to me feels a lot more natural because I've been using it for years pretty much. It's hard for me to have a problem with either one, they're both good in their own regards.

  6. The 360 controller is fine but I still prefer the PS3 controller... so to make a 360 shaped controller for the PS3 is a step backwards...

    ...maybe I'm just frustrated they won't make a mouse and keyboard for the consoles so I can own it up on FPS games... :P

  7. The dual shock controller is the primary reason I don't play more PS3. It can eat me.

  8. Problems I have with DualShock:

    The sticks
    -the left stick and d-pad are in the wrong spots. They should be reversed. The left stick is the most-used aspect in any game. Isn't it annoying to reach over there for it?
    -they are convex (outward bulge) as opposed to concave, meaning thumbs slip off more easily
    -they don't offer enough resistance. Too loosey-goosey.

    The triggers
    -there aren't any triggers
    -maybe it's just my hands/fingers but when I hold a DualShock my index fingers fall directly BETWEEN the R1/R2 and L1/L2 buttons, which means I have to move the fingers to hit either button. This is in contrast to the 360 controller, where my index fingers sit directly and comfortably on the triggers.
    -the R2 and L2 buttons are just weird. An inverted, really spongy button that's just super awkward. Fingers also slip off of these due to the terrible design.

    Overall design
    -a little small and doesn't fill my hands, resulting in a too-tight grip that causes slight discomfort

    Lack of innovation (my biggest gripe, honestly)
    -this controller has been the same for 15 years. This leads me to believe 2 things about Sony, and I don't like either.
    #1: they're arrogant - they think they've made such a perfect piece of hardware that it has not needed any improvement in 15 years.
    #2: they're lazy - no explanation needed, really

    I hate the DualShock.

  9. As much as I've come to love the PS3 I agree with all of Lead Salad's comments. In defense of Sony though you know that if they made an overhaul on the DS there would be such a revolt from fanboys that they'd have a hard time beating back the bad press.

    It's not like they can just create a 2nd PS controller for people that hate the DS because that would just create more problems.

    M$ was in the best position to update the controller to perfection by stealing the Dreamcast controller's layout and going from there.

  10. They may have stolen the layout, but not it's ergonomics.

    The dualshock has "controller" written all over it, but it doesn't seem like it was made with practicality in mind, only form. When they conceived how 2 joysticks would work, the instinct is symmetrically, but pragmatic usage makes their placement silly.

    Why was the dreamcast controller's cord placed coming out of the bottom? Any guesses? I think it was pooping the cord.

  11. Oh course it didn't take the ergonomics, but it's no secret that the Dreamcast team helped design the old XBOX. Button layout was great on Dreamcast, but because of the turned in grips it would kill your hands. I have some 3rd party Dreamcast controller to this day and it's shaped exactly like the 360 controller.

    BTW THE SALE ENDS FOR THE POWER A CONTROLLER ON THE 4TH. Get it if you're on the fence otherwise you'll be paying extra.
