Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Favorite game of the year?

I know we've still got 4 months to go, but I'm curious what everyone's favorite game for 2010 so far has been? I'm talking mainly about games that have been released in 2010, but if you've played an older one that you really liked, feel free to put that, too. I think a short explanation would be appropriate, too.

2010 game
Bayonetta - released in January, 3rd person action, over the top in every way, excellent combat with tons of weapons and combinations, huge bosses, excellent level design and variation. The only weak point is the convoluted storyline, but everything else is top notch so it balances that out in my opinion.

Older game
Prince of Persia (2008) - cell-shaded "reboot" that branches off from the Sands of Time trilogy, bright and sharp graphics, climbing all over walls, tons of fun. Combat is the weak point in this one - it's just kinda blah. Other than that, it was tough for me to stop playing.

I think it would be cool to do a post like this again shortly after we get into 2011 to see if anything changes, due to all the quality stuff being released this fall.


  1. It may be a little older, but I re-fell in love with Borderlands. I've said it like this before to many people, but Borderlands scratched an itch that I didn't know I had. 100% FPS, 100& RPG, this game blends genres in a way that I think more developers should consider when making their games. Not everyone needs to do this, but Gearbox took two pretty simple, commonplace concepts and had them make a baby on the psychotic world of Pandora.

    On a side note, I've really been enjoying Super Mario Galaxy. They may have watered down Mario's moveset a little too much, but the regular difficulty curve we've come to expect from the little plumber is still present. It's also been an interesting journey watching my wife play through it, as she's never really attempted to complete a game like this solo, as well as never seriously played a game that involves navigating a 3D realm. Maybe content for a longer post...

  2. Definitely God of War 3 for me. I didn't play the first 2, but I sure enjoyed trudging through this one on the hardest difficulty. Cool bosses, difficult bosses, and some particular sections that were just plain brutal. I liked it from start to finish.

  3. For me it would probably have to be assassins creed 2. I know it didn't come out this year but I played it for the first time a couple months back and it really blew me away. The garaphics, storyline and controls were all great. And the ending is one of those HOLY CRAP moments I haven't experianced in a long time.

    My favorite game of the year will probable be a close battle between assassins creed brotherhood and cod black ops.

  4. I guess I'm not the only person in the world who loved Bayonetta.

  5. Tie between Bad Company 2 and Starcraft 2...

  6. Mass Effect 2 hands down. While it didn't catch the same magic as the 1st for reason expressed in the past it was still an astounding game.
