Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Nintendo 3DS

Opinions please!

I'm already more than a little burned out about hearing about how amazing this machine is. Seriously, Sony gets ripped a new one about 3D (which I am NOT supporting, but using as a reference point), but when Nintendo throws it into a handheld it's fawned over like a new kitten! It's ridiculous and another example of people giving Nintendo a lot of leeway (sp) with their products.

I've read multiple times that the system can irritate the eyes after playing for a while and looking at the 3D. True, the 3D can be turned off to make it a conventional 2D screen, but I still just don't get the draw. I really liked my DS and then my DS Lite, but I never played it because I'd much rather play on a console.

Word came out yesterday that the 3DS will be priced at 300 bucks and launch in February of 2011. I also just read on MaxConsole that the president of Nintendo said they priced it there because of the huge joygasms everyone had over it and they realized that it could be sold at a high price point.

People have been going absolutely ape-shit over this thing since E3. It feels creepily similar to when Apple released the iPhone and iPod.

Thoughts? Will you be getting one?


  1. Ok I've done alot of research on the 3DS since E3 so I know quit a bit about it. I will also be picking up one on launch day so I could do a review. Couple things first off the price for the US is suppossed to be around $225 to $250 because throughout nintendos entire history the US has gotten discounts on new nintendo systems over jap.

    Also, the 3ds is so hyped over because you don't need an $8,000 tv to play it. The garaphics are around the same quality as a ps2 or wii and its a handheld with a decent line up of games like zelda OoT and metal gear solid 3. They took the same 3d sony did and put it in a handheld. They are also doing new things with the online service to make it better and its going to have a virtual counsol for gbc and gba games as well as
    some nes and snes ones.

    Also the 3d isn't going to irritate everyones eyes, there are ways the devs can develop games that makes them playable for several hours at a time without eye irritation. Also the fact that you don't need glasses is a nice feature also. Check these vids out for more details :

  2. I'm not crazy about the idea of 3D either, in any way, but I suppose this is a big deal because you don't need glasses. Admittedly, it seems pretty cool, but even if it is $225, that still seems pretty steep to me. I mean, you could get a Wii or even a basic 360 for $200. I think this would probably be a great purchase for someone who doesn't own another console. Considering I have 2 consoles and a DS which I barely use, this one's a no-brainer for me. No deal.

  3. I've thought about getting a DS but just one more thing to game on when I have so many unfinished games, and some great ones coming out soon. Plus, 3D just seems like a fad to me. I'd prefer seeing regular movies for a cheaper movie ticket... so that same feeling carries over to video games. Just another way to charge people more money.

    How many version of the DS have there been now? 4?

  4. Yeah, this will be the 5th version of the DS since its initial release in 2004. Seems pretty lame. They windowdress each new version just enough to keep outselling other consoles. After getting the DS lite, it has never even occurred to me to buy one of the other versions. I don't really care if it's 3D or not.

  5. Nintendo has a pretty bad (but simultaneously awesome) habit of making a great system, then making a better version of it a year or two later, and this really exemplifies it.

    That being said, the potential of the 3DS doesn't lie in it's hardware in my opinion, but in it's title line-up. The list of confirmed 3DS titles, not to mention the full backwards catalog of DS games that will still play on it, is astounding. Even if the 3D feature were terrible to use and turned off all the time the title selection for it pushes me into the "buy" category. I probably won't do it at launch, partly because of cost, but also to flush out hardware bugs, but I'll definitely be owning one of these in the long run.
