How does everyone else feel about this? I am enjoying the time I've spent, but still don't really feel blown away. I think I like UC2's multi because it was simple and caught me off guard with how fun it was. The powerplays are a fun and interesting addition, but they really hurt the overall balancing by making it too balanced.
The vocal quality sounds better, but so would 2 tin cans held together with string.
Here's a few thoughts:
ReplyDeleteI really don't care for the lighting on Airstrip, but I do like the map itself.
Movement just feels a bit slow. I'd love to try a version of the game where it's sped up a bit and the guns do a little more damage (so that people wouldn't be able to get away when you start shooting them first).
I like being able to customize guns, but the boosters, kickbacks and power plays suck, IMO. I read about those a couple months back, and immediately told 3N3MY it looks like they're trying to ruin the game. You call it over-balancing, I call it the Blue Shell. It might be fun every now and then to play a regular deathmatch game, until a dude pulls a rocket launcher out of his ass and kills me with it. Hardcore mode for me.
Graphically, it almost seems like a step down from the UC2 multi. I'm guessing that the quality dips slightly for multi and hoping that the UC3 campaign will shine.
I agree with everything Salad said. Why ruin a (mostly) well balanced game by adding powerplays? It's okay if not every shooter is exactly like CoD.
ReplyDeleteGraphics do seem like a step backwards, but it's still a beta.
My biggest gripe by far in the UC series, but especially in this beta is the sluggish movement. It seems a bigger problem now because they've implemented a "sprint" so standard walking is even slower.
I can't think of any 3rd person shooter than moves as poorly as Drake. I mean, all in all he controls okay, but he running feels like too heavy. Marcus Fenix runs better and he's in tons of armor. Isaac Clark moves better and he's in an engineering suit.
Maybe it's because the games lacks a proper "sidestep" (unless you're aiming down the rails). Always having to turn your whole body before running that direction.
So far I'm underwhelmed, but Hardcore mode will be where I play the most.
I think the devs are going for a realistic movement and sprint in the game, but it just ends up feeling sluggish and slow.
ReplyDeleteTeam advantages need to work toward the balancing, not away from it. Hockey has this built into the sport, but hockey rewards a team with a powerplay when the other team commits an infraction, not when one team is getting it handed to them. The kickbacks are best compared to killstreak bonuses, but can be stored up... even COD makes you earn them each round.