Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hollow and Empty...

This guy at gizmodo nails how I feel about controllers these days. (Also, not too bad a deal...)

EDIT: The link was dead, and I couldn't get it to direct correctly.  Here is the chunk of text I was trying to highlight, written by Chris Biedelman of Gizmodo.

"...I think the PS3 controller sucks. It's a terribly skinny girl with no curves or life to it. When I hold it, it feels hollow and empty. I feel hollow and empty.  

On the other hand, I think the Xbox 360 controller is the best controller that has ever graced the hands of man. Solid weight, perfect cushion and curves to grip on to and a delicious button layout. We came a long way! The original NES controller had corners that were borderline weapons. The SNES though? Oh, boy. Them curves? The shape? The perfect hand cuppage? It was the best controller of its era. "

Anyone else concur? I do.


  1. Having used both controllers extensively I'd agree that the 360 has the edge in the contour area, but I've grown to prefer the larger, convex and less tight sticks of the DS. This is even after going back to the 360 pad on multiple playthroughs.

    And as much as I HATED it to begin with I've grown to love the flip flopped triggers on the DS. It actually allows you more rapid control of secondary triggers/abilities.

    Too bad the author didn't talk about the D Pad because the 360's is about as good as the Cube's mini pad.

    Futhermore, if a PS fan wrote this then the argument would be just the opposite. Of course you'll love your preferred console's controller more.

    There are about a billion asians that won't even touch a 360 or it's controller. Gotta love (or hate?) that japanese loyalty!

  2. I do love that SNES controller. Probably about as perfect as it can get.

    And on the 360 vs. DS controller, here's a fun little story: My oldest brother has been a "PlayStation gamer" since the early days of the PS2, so he's been primarily using a DualShock for roughly 10 years. He came to visit last month and I had him try out Limbo on my 360. After playing it for about an hour he said, "This controller is way more comfortable than the playstation one. I like the stick up here and the actual triggers." Again, that was after ONE hour with LIMBO, a pretty slow-paced puzzle platformer. I was just very amused and told him if he liked it for that, he should try it out with shooters.

  3. It's kind of amazing how much we all hail to our origins sometimes, even if there isn't a practical reason too.
