Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

This blog is dead.

Juniper and I are starting our own site.

That is all.


  1. I'M BACK, SUCKAS! Figured it out... but seriously... my car is paid off in September. What does everyone think of purchasing It'd be like $12 a year for the domain and $9 a month for the hosting... I'm willing to pay for it and create the site with Word Press. Thoughts???

  2. Boo hoo. This blog concept was just supposed to be an easier way for us to communicate on things that we generally talk about on our own. I don't think the blog is dead, but I'm like you... been in a funk. I've got the same 'ol, same 'ol that I always do (Halo, COD, etc.) but it's been a real struggle to play some of the stuff on the back burner.

    Maybe we need an accountability section of this site. Originally I had a cool idea of doing something like a book club, where we all play (or replay) something, once a month, and then all talk about it and criticize it, and rip on each other like we usually do. I think it would be weird to do, but I'm sure it could be done.

    Bioshock 2 is in the batter's box, probably followed by a completion of Twilight Princess. I'm like 20 minutes away from the end of the game, but it's been too long since I played it last and forgot how all the items work. (sans the boomerang, you never forget the first thing you get.)

  3. Also, I don't mind having a separate website or not. I enjoy the conversations on here, even if I'm not always an active participant. I also enjoy being able to throw out concepts and thoughts out here so I can wrestle with them with others, instead of just myself.

    I think one of the reasons that this blog feels dead is that we all post for different reasons at different times. Some posts are information spreading, some are more philosophical in nature, while others are occasionally more humorous rants. In any case, all acceptable.

    I dig it. Don't give up.

  4. I wouldn't really be opposed to having an official website if you're actually willing to pay for it and for the upkeep, Juniper.

    On the other hand, like the OP says, this blog is just about dead. I'm not pointing any fingers here. I'm just as guilty as anyone as not posting/responding. And it's especially bad for me because I can literally look at it at any point during the day. I'd like to think an official site would make me take it a little more seriously.

    More practically, let's actually think: what is the goal of having a website? What would we do differently there than here? Having a "Reviews" section shouldn't be a problem, but...what else? We could have some sort of feed that combines news from other sites so we wouldn't have to be posting from other sites like we've done here. But what else? Retro reviews? Opinions? Top 10s? Also, would we limit it to just video games?

    I think more importantly, we'd need to commit to some level of participation, or else we'd just have this again, except Juniper would be out some $.

  5. Well, I'm all for it but as most of you can probably see, I can chat about video games all day, any day...

  6. Alright, alright... why doesn't somebody just say it. The two people specifically that you are point fingers at is Brjahu and Skatch... well, I am very, incredibly guilty of not posting. Heck, I even have a hard time remembering to keep up with any news. Amateria put it best when he said he is in a funk. I think we all are. Gaming at the current moment sucks. There is no better way of putting it. We are all going back playing old games or games we missed. I think this is actually a good thing. We all know that there is a looming madness that starts in less than 2 months. Rest those hands and eyes because we are going to all be broke and sleep deprived. We will definitely see a resurrection in this blog come this fall.

    Now, as for Skatch. Does anyone actually know the last time he actually posted? I blame him (more than me)

  7. Actually... I blame 3N3MY for selling his 360. Somehow it's all related to that... and his achievement, I mean, trophy whoring. Maybe you should sell that and re-buy all your games for the 3rd time on the WiiU.

    Yeah, I said it.

  8. Maybe everyone's in a funk because we never play together anymore. Just a thought.

    And back to the website idea......Do we really want to? Thoughts? Ideas? How would it work?

  9. I've already got my preorders done for all my current games on the Wii U and I just sold my PS3 for 15 bucks and am putting it towards my new PC Rig. Pics to follow!

    The actual website could be really neat, but would require a lot more work.

    If we're trying to actually get people to come and visit it and check back regularly there would have to be some punctual weekly editorials or something like that. Maybe we all rotate weeks????

    I wish that there were ways to get exclusive previews actually sent to one of us and we could rip the game a new one before it's released....unlike every game journalist that gushes about every preview....ex: Brink.

    Juniper told me that we could make our own videos for the site by compiling a bunch of videos and making longer cuts or (this is my idea) do a commentary over them????

  10. Also, we could do a game burning section. Where we take beloved games, even the ones we love, and rip them to shreds and highlights all of their problems.

    And there would of course have to be a section dedicated to Rockstar hatred. Salad and I will live in there.

  11. I like it. Especially if it means I'd have to play through GTAIV.

  12. Ripping into games would be pretty fun, haha! Even finding annoying parts of games we love... even though I enjoyed GTAIV and loved RDR, I do agree the running mechanic gets old quickly... I'm going to look into the Word Press, which is the free program which lets you edit your own website. Ive got some medical bills but my Alienware is now paid off and my car will be paid off in September so there will be two big bills gone so I can easily aford the $9 a month or whatever a website would cost to host. I think it would fun and I'm passionate enough about video games to put that into this group. :)

    And I definitely owe you guys for getting me into series *cough* Dead Space *cough* that I would have otherwise not been into.

  13. If u want any help with writing the code I would love to. Im pretty good with html and css and can work my way around js.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.
