Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

God of War III - Review

So i just finished my 2nd playthru of GOW3 and this game is nothing short of phenomenal, i know the word "Epic" is a bit cliche but GOW goes beyond Epic and it's already my fav game of 2010...

The game starts pretty much straight up where GOW2 left off and it has to go down as the most epic (yes sorry that word again) opening to any game i've played, the sheer scale of this game is like nothing i've seen before. For those who've played Shadow of the Colossus you've experienced some pretty awesome battles...GOW just pisses all over it and i can fully appreciate why it's taken so much time and money to produce.

The Combat is the core gameplay and they've nailed it again, very slick seemless hack and slash. Plenty of variety and complexity to the combos too and it's not just a case of picking your favourite move and repeating over and over (square, square, triangle anyone who's played GOW1 & 2) the AI is pretty smart and certainly on the harder difficulties makes life pretty hard so it's essential to mix up attack patterns and choice of weapons. As the game progresses it gratually rewards you with new ablities and weapons which all come in handy during the course of the game and there's something for everyone there so you can kind of go about your business how you choose.

Graphics are pretty much up on the top tier of this gen and when you consider the scale this game is being rendered on it's something pretty special. It's paced very well, some neat puzzle sections breaks up the intensity of the combat and the boss battles are always nicely built up to so you always feel like theres something you're fighitng towards. The story is well told using a combination of some cool art graphics and the in game engine to create the very nice cutscenes.

It's hard to talk about the best parts of this game without spoiling so i'm going to bring this review to an abrupt end, it's just a game that everyone should get their hands of at somepoint as mentioned before #1 game for me this year so far.


  1. i've always wanted to play these games... no ps3 though... maybe i'll have to pick up the old ones on ps2.

  2. This game and Metal Gear Solid 4 make the top of my list for hopelessly overrated PS3 games. They both play exactly like their previous games, little to no growth in gameplay, self-indulgence of getting to watch the main character repeat himself over and over again... ugh.

    Don't let it fool you that I don't respect it though - I just think it's all blown a little bit out of proportion. As a retailer, I sold many different PS3 systems to folks who were buying a console specifically for this game - why? It's the same game, folks, just prettier, shinier, bloodier and long.. oh wait, it's actually shorter!

    Maybe I'm just cranky right now. One thing I was very impressed with was the scale. There were many moments that the game took advantage of the PS3's superfluous processing power to remind me how small and insignificant my character was in the scope of this whole world. Oh that ground I was standing on was a finger... of a titan... climbing up a mountain... part of a bigger mountain... etc. etc.

    The best part was the opening sequence - very 300-esque, subtlety (and not so much) telling the previous God of War stories, in a visually powerful method.
