Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mass Effect Woes

Apparently, my save file for Mass Effect 2 has been corrupted or lost.  I had finished the game with some solid decision making, but apparently my xbox only remembers about half of my time doing that.

When I went to import my ME2 character to ME3, nothing showed up, so I signed into the Origin Servers, went into Mass Effect 2 to check to see if the file was still there.  It certainly was, but the most recent save in the game was somewhere around the 20 hour mark.  I haven't even met all the characters yet...

I'm not gonna lie, I almost don't even want to play Mass Effect 3.  The most compelling part of the series was the idea that my choices directly impacted the world, and it was really cool how all the choices I made, both good and bad, were mine.  Not anybody else's pre-rendered notion of how things should be... I was a different person then! I wasn't married, I had different dreams and aspirations... my choices were mine.

Now if I want to play the game I either need to dump another 20 hours into ME2 just to finish the damn thing, or jump in and not have any of my old choices in there...  What a freaking bummer. I know some of you have played multiple characters multiple times, but something I really liked about the Mass Effect games was the pressure of choice. I tried playing a second character in ME1, but I didn't enjoy making new decisions... If I really wanted to see the outcomes of different choices, I could always hop onto youtube.

The appeal of the series to me is entirely lost.  If I want good combat, I'll just play Gears.  If I want cool characters, I could just read a book or something.  Nothing can replace the fresh eyes of my original decisions...


  1. Sorry, brother. I had 2 completed save files and they both imported just fine.

    If you're file is on there I don't see why it wouldn't pull over unless it was corrupted somehow.

    I've read that the cloud saves aren't working right, but that there is a work around for the PS3.

  2. I was reading about 2 major issues with the save files. Like 3N3MY was saying, cloud saves do not work correctly. This is the same with the 360 and the reason has something to do with a console requirement. EA stated that the file must be imported off of the HDD from the original Xbox it was created on. I think the Cloud save feature has enable people to share files and this is EAs way of saying "no".

    I'm not quite certain how Orgin has anything to do with your save file. I haven't ready any connection between the two so I can't really comment on that.

    I, myself, had a freakout moment when I clicked to import my file. It suddenly dawned on me that my ME2 game glitched out and had me "romance" two different characters. Because the game was built to only allow one, I wasn't sure how it would react to this. Luckily there were two save files on my HDD and each only had one person listed.

    Sorry bro, wish I had some suggestions. If you didn't save anything to the Cloud or to a USB drive / memory unit, then I'm at a loss. It's almost like you moved your last save file to back it up somewhere or you finished the game on a different console. Those are the only reasons I could come up with.
