Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Mass Effect 3 Is Coming. Any plans?

Anyone relatively excited about Mass Effect 3?

I've been getting more and more excited as we get closer to launch and I do have it preordered already. I'm just nowhere near the level of excitement as I was for Mass Effect 2.

Not sure why that is. Maybe because I'm so familiar with the series having dumped in hundreds of hours between the 2?

I'm def most excited about my squad. Garrus and Wrex are still the greatest 2 NPCs of all time. I'm excited to see where this next game takes them and to battle with them one more time. I hope I can manage to keep everyone alive, but Garrus dying in a blaze of glory while taking out a Reaper would be a bitching end to an absolutely badass and deadly character.

I'm currently attempting to finish my final playthrough of ME2 on "Insanity" difficulty as that's the profile I want to import and I want that Platinum Trophy!

Anyone else getting it at launch?


  1. I definitely am. I think I'm looking most forward to learning more about Legion. That was far and away the most impacting conversation I had in ME2.

  2. I definitely am. I think I'm looking most forward to learning more about Legion. That was far and away the most impacting conversation I had in ME2.

  3. Consider me excited, too, but not as much as most of you guys. I'm kind of the Mass Effect noob of our group. I enjoyed the first 2 games and am looking forward to the conclusion. I borrowed the first 2 games from a friend, and hope to eventually borrow #3 as well.

  4. I will admit that I am beyond pumped. The storyline of these games is as good if not better than almost any other game series out there. Despite a rather disappointing demo I still have huge expectations for this game. In fact I am preordering this game so I have it at launch. All this before I even play Uncharted 3.

    As for my squad I usually use a mix of different people depending on the situation. However a majority of the time I had Tali in my crew. She has the perfect balance of attack and biotic skill set that works great as a counterbalance to my play style. Does anybody even know if she is in this game?
