Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Well, I tried Dead Space for the 3rd time and I still stand by my statement that the PC controls SUCKED!

On the other hand, the controls on the 360 or amazing. With cross-platform games like Borderlands, every CoD, Bad Company 2, Hitman, etc., etc. that all have tight, crisp controls and movement on the PC as well as consoles, it makes me wonder how the developers could have screwed up so badly with Dead Space.

My first attempt with the game was the 360 demo which turned me off because you are immediately swarmed with Necromorphs and you have no idea what you are doing (I think that demo section is in the 3rd Chapter where you fire up the engines... that huge room with tons of Necromorphs). I thought the game could be cool but maybe I would fare better on the PC since I tend to play that way with any game requiring aiming.

And then I tried it on PC... I noticed this slight, fraction of a second camera lag on the 360 that adds to the feeling of movement and reminds you that you are playing as some engineer regular type guy and not a superhero. It's done really well on the 360 but I think they attempted to transition that feeling to the PC and all it did was throw your aim off and make the whole controls lag. Areas that I struggle through or died a horrible death at on the PC were a breeze on the 360. Typically, it's the other way around. It's just what controls I'm familiar with and best at (I'm not saying PC is better).

Anyways, I am taking my foot out of my mouth and admitting I was way off on this game. The 360 controls are just as awesome and tight as ME2. The atmosphere is creepy without making you feel panicked the whole time (i.e. F.E.A.R.). I enjoy leveling up the RIG and guns too. (I'm trying to play through with only the Plasma Cutter). Has anybody else made multiple runs into certain areas as you horde all the ammo and health packs??? My storage at the store has a ton of stuff in it...

So with great controls and now knowing what I'm doing as I played from the start (that demo sucked, btw), I'm well into Chapter 3... and I'm kind of addicted. My money is limited this year but I may have to pick up the 2nd one on release day...

So thanks, fellow gamers, for giving me another game I have to buy...


  1. Glad you like it. I'm really looking forward to #2. Only 7 days now!

    I had completely forgotten about the demo for the first one. I seem to remember getting my ass handed to me, also. But when I started the actual game from the beginning, everything was good.

  2. Yeah, the demo owned me. I'm glad everybody came down on me and convinced me to try it a 3rd time. The 2nd one may be a release day purchase for me. $$$ is tight so I'm trying to limit my game purchases to one per month this year and I think 2 may be my January purchase. :P

  3. 7 days... maybe I should play the first one finally.

  4. Well, I can highly recommend it now... and I preordered the second one...

  5. Glad you finally saw the light! I told myself a while ago NO MORE SPECIAL EDITIONS, but when I saw that there's a 1 to 1 scaled Plasma Cutter included....I couldn't resist.

  6. twinkle, twinkle, little star... how i wonder what you are... up above the world so high... like a diamond in the sky...

  7. I see someone let the title screen sit too long. I love that video!

  8. I kept hearing that voice towards the end of the game in the room where all the unitology people killed themselves... so creepy...

  9. Oh yeah...that room is def creepy. Mass suicide anyone?
