Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Game Review(s)

Firstly i'd like to apologies for lack of contribution on here recently..hopefully be on more and thought i'd start with some quick reviews/thoguhts on some games i've been playing recently, i've been busy.

Red Dead Redemption

Mixed feelings on this game...initially i love it, got so far in the game i think Mexico then just went off the boil, combination of other distractions and lack of motivation to play it.


The massive open world, loads to do
Random events/natural set pieces occurring
Story was pretty strong and well enough told as per usual with Rockstar
Free Roam mode very creative approach to MP lobby - shame it's littered with bullying dicks

Favourite moment

When first getting to Mexico and mounting a horse to start riding along side the water and this awesome tune starts playing softly in the background, very fitting and one of those mini goosebump moments.


Repetitive gameplay
Too much grinding if you want to unlock stuff
Ending totally sucked imo

Star Wars Force Unleashed

Took a gamble with this one after playing the demo a while back and after watching the trailer for the sequal which looks excellent, picked it up in the bargain bucket and have to have quite pleasantly surprised.


Feeling like a bad ass Jedi
Plenty of depth to the combat system, rewards for being creative during combat.
Great storyline
Great variety of environments

Favourite moment

Jedi duals, one in particular against a character during the game, wont say who as it'll spoil it.


Camera could do with a little work especially during multiple enemy battles
Tough as nails in some parts even on medium difficulty, I mean I like a challenge but it really tested my patience at times.

Bioshock 2

Long overdue pick up of this game as i loved the first and watched all the trailers and in the build up to the release but just missed the boat on it's release for whatever reason.


Good old Rapture, love the setting sucks you in, great atmosphere
Storyline excellent
Great FPS combat mechanics, even if identical to Bio1, if it aint broke, dont fix it


Although a great storyline, felt it was sometimes like... actually why am i doing wat i'm doing right now

Heavy Rain
Been wanting to play this one for a while and took the opportunity when a friend offered it as a loan.


Story - Well told, plenty of twists and turns.
Gameplay although limited in terms of variety i really enjoyed it, very engrossing everything you do or don't do in some instances had an effect on the story
Graphics top notch, lifelike great voice work.


Not a lot to dislike on this one, you take it for wat it is, it's an interactive movie and does exactly wat is says on the tin very well.


  1. Glad to see you're alive.

    RDR was a let down for me ultimately and I stopped playing after the cool song in Mexico.

    Star Wars was fun once through and that's about it. The story did totally kick ass though.

    Haven't really played the other 2 yet. I have Bio 2 for ps3 I just haven't been able to get around to it yet.

    BTW Lead Salad and I played some Killzone 2 online and it was okay. I just can't stand the poor aiming at times. Especially when coming off of such great controlling games like Bad Company 2 or Modern Warfare 2.

  2. I thought I was a wimp for barely being able to beat Force Unleashed on the medium difficult. At least I'm not alone... that game felt brutal on medium... :P

  3. JR...brutal sums it up pretty well.

    Killzones controls are a bit of a let down, but i sunk quite a few hours into it when it first came out and the controls were even worse back then, but you soon adjust and find yourself not even worrying about it.
