Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Achievements and Trophies

I know that I always come back to this and that I'm the constant bun of all the achievement/trophy jokes, but I can't help it. I just love getting them. Not so much as a competitive thing against friends or strangers, but I just love seeing that according the developers, I've really played the hell out of their game. I've used all the weapons, found the secret areas, beaten all the difficulties, carried specific objects through the whole game, only used one weapon and on and on and on.

What's frustrating is that it does feel more like a compulsion, at times, than anything else. Just the other day I was frustrated with myself because I have so many new games to play and old ones to replay and I'm dumping so much time into each one, going for trophies, when I could just move on to the next game.

Every time I tell myself I'm through with them and I'm just gonna play for fun I always come back to them. Does this limit my fun? Sometimes I think it absolutely does, but for the most part a lot of the fun is getting them.

At times it feels like me stating to all that see the trophies that I really love that game. Dead Space and Oblivion are great examples of that....Jumper is not.

Does anyone else feel the compulsion as I do? That it's not so much about the score as it is seeing the completion bar on a game fill up? That you feel like you're never really done with the game until you're done with the achievements? That you have unfinished business with the game?

Or am I just that much of a loser?


  1. I like going back and getting them sometimes, really depends on the game. A lot of times, it just feels like a chore or some sick little nerd with a perverted sense of humor designed an achievement just to piss everybody off that picked on him in high school. I have only gotten all 1000 achievements for 3 games; Lego Batman, Lego Indiana Jones, and Assassin's Creed 2. I was pretty darn close to getting most of them for Fallout 3 but after 40 hrs or so, another play through was pushing it. :P

    Achievements and trophies are cool but they are a horrible example of one's gaming ability since they only cover one console...

  2. I don't feel that sentiment, but I think you're right on with one of your early statements about how this is proof that according to the devs, you've conquered it.

    There are two games in my life that I feel like I've "done it." Link to the Past, and Super Mario World. Zelda, I think was just because I played it so much, but with Mario, it was a true sense of exploration. Secret levels had secret levels, and the worlds those levels led to sometimes had more secrets to discover. It all came from the mastery of the controls and abilities, something that Mario games of the recent past have failed to master, in in my opinion have been heading there since Mario World.

    Left 4 Dead and Crackdown are two titles I wish I had all the points for... we'll see if it ever happens. It's not a lack of desire with those two, but seemingly impossibility.

  3. Expert on Left 4 Dead? Good luck with that, haha... that's hard.

  4. We got one of the four... thanks to the Jesus Room.

  5. The "Jesus Room" and a lot of swearing.....a lot.

  6. I really enjoy getting the achievements/trophies. Most of the time, I'll just play a game through the first time without even thinking about them. I like this because I enjoy seeing them pop up on the screen without me having any knowledge that I was even "doing" an achievement. After that, I'll check out the list of whatever I'm missing and then decide if it's worth it to hunt some down or give it another playthrough on a harder difficulty or whatnot. I've decided I don't really like the "collecting" achievements, unless they actually give you something IN the game. For example, I did NOT go through Assassin's Creed again to collect all the flags, because they gave you NOTHING. But in Assassin's Creed 2, I collected all the feathers because you actually got different weapons and cloaks for your trouble. Alan Wake is another one where I can't bring myself to "collect" everything. It would just be too tedious with finding ALL the coffee thermoses (yeah, good one), signs, secret locations and manuscript pages. Blah. Despite all this, I would like to find all the treasures in Uncharted 2.

    I also really like looking at other people's gamerscore (mainly in shooters) to see what they've done in the game. Even though a player might be killing me in the multi, if I look and see I have a higher gamerscore than him on that particular game I can hold my head high.

    And I STILL say we can beat the Left 4 Dead campaigns on Expert if we had 4 players and people wouldn't QUIT when we get 4/5 of the way through a campaign. Buuuuuuurn!!!
