Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Most Favorite MP Gaming Moment Ever

We've all been playing games together as a group for the better part of a decade now and I want to know what's been your favorite moment of playing with each other ever?

I can recall dozens of hilarious moments, but I think my all time favorite goes to Lead Salad. 

He was visiting me for the week and his visit happened to coincide with the release of Resident Evil 5.  We both went to GameStop at midnight and bought it and then went back to my apartment to play LAN coop. 

We played for a solid 4-5 hours straight and things started to get a little....slap happy.  We were fighting some villagers and one of them happened to jump in such a way that the bottom of his foot was exposed and Lead Salad blasted the bottom of the guy's foot and killed him.  It may not sound funny, but we shit our pants laughing for about the next 20 minutes and it's something I still laugh out loud about to this day.

What's yours?


  1. I have a few. Most of mine can probably be summarized with a few distinct quotes.

    - "He's got a flare, get out of there!"
    - "I've got the BAALLLLLLLLL!!!"

    and I few I don't feel comfortable posting in a public forum.

    A personal favorite story was playing Halo in the hallways of Wright Hall. We were all in separate rooms, CTF blood gulch 8v8 halo, but the rooms were close enough that you could hear other players talking when they weren't trying to be quiet.

    I was usually on defense. I was pretty good with the pistol, and a surgeon with grenades, so my team always liked to have me resting well below the 50 yard line. Most of the other guys knew it too...

    One time I started to get a little bored, so I started wandering towards the enemy base. I gave Terry a prompt headshot midfield - "guys, Josh is coming...". I got him a little closer - "he's getting, closer guys, do you see him?". I got him as he was spawning on top of the base - "He's right outside our base, where is he?!" All of this capsizer by a one hit melee strike from behind, on top of their base... "HE'S HERE!!!"

    I felt pretty proud after that.

  2. My favorite moment is every time Amateria farts through his Turtle Beach headset.

    Hahaha. Yeah, too many hilarious moments to remember. As for my favorite moment ever, I always go back to a 2v4 CTF game I played with Amateria.

    It was Classic CTF on the remake of Midship (in Halo: Reach). While it was still a full 4v4 the score was tied 1-1. For whatever stinky reason our two teammates left or got disconnected, either way, our chances looked very bleak but we honorably stuck around. Now I pride myself in good flag running so I tried for captures while Amateria played some tight defense which also worked as some diversion. We were actually able to pull off a sneaky capture to take the lead.

    A bit later I snagged Red's flag again! Classic rules are Flag at home to score and also touch return so desperate and crazy i met all 4 reds who were escorting our own flag back and then.. "Double Kill" "Triple Kill" "Flag Returned" "Overkill Extermination". Then with Amateria's help we drove it home FTW
