Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Max Payne 3 - Brief Review

I've never been so torn on any game in my life.  It's astoundingly excellent and amazing while making me want to take an x-acto knife to my wrists.

Great action with fucked up controls courtesy of Rockstar.  Sometimes the controls would break: roll wouldn't work, get trapped in cover, crouching was spotty and one time I wasn't able to shoot my fucking gun.

Somewhat messy story with lots of acronyms that left me confused.

Lots of cinematics that hide loads that I actually enjoyed.  They were really well done.

Lots of visual stuff going on with effects.  It worked and didn't annoy me like I expected it to.

Seemingly endless run of baddies that left me wondering if I'd killed the world yet.

Great voice acting with an awesome yet absolutely flawed character.

I loved that Max, after using pain pills in the previous 2 games to heal, is now addicted to them.  Every time you pick them up in the game he'll always mumble some kind of justification to use them.  Awesome.

The attention to detail in enemies, levels, guns and Max was second to none.

The last 6 years of gaming have trained me that almost all shooters take place in hot, barren shit holes.  Max Payne was always a WONDERFUL treat because you fought in nitty gritty shit hole New York.  In Max Payne 3 you leave New York and a large chunk of character of the game went with it.  Some of the best levels in the game are flashbacks that take place in New York.  I'm sorry, but this game needs to be kept in the city.

Arguably the greatest soundtrack of any game I've ever heard.

All in all I'm really glad I got this game for 20 bucks as opposed to 60.  It was amazing and frustrating all at once.

I just wish that Rockstar didn't get their grubby mitts all over it and muck it up.



  1. +1 to anything bashing Rockstar. I hope someone lets me know when they make a game without mind-blowingly terrible controls, because that's par for the course at this point.

    I vaguely remember you playing Max Payne in college and thinking it was cool. I never got around to it myself, but I wish I had.

    And do you really think it's the greatest soundtrack, or is it more just your personal favorite?

    Who's got GTA V pre-ordered?

  2. It's the weakest of the 3 games, but it def does have the most "flair" so to speak. I'm gonna say it's due to the new console generation because 1 and 2 both had some genuinely bizarre, eerie and all around creepy shit going on with much less horse power to work with. Following a blood trail maze by listening to the sounds of your crying infant....eek.

    It's the greatest soundtrack, to me, because I think it is elevated above standard and even excellent game soundtracks. I could see lots of it in indie post rock albums or experimental rock bands. I could see it in movies.

    I don't know. It's just one of the few that I can listen to from beginning to end and not really get bored.

    It's not epic and sweeping like some games, but it's dead on for tone of the game and style.

    I've got GTA V preordered for PC because I want to hate the controls on a whole other level.
