Glad to see you...

If the gaming industry is an automobile, and the game designers are the drivers, then that makes us, the players, backseat drivers, and we'll be damned if we're gonna let the industry keep on heading the way it's going (good or bad) without letting them know what we think. So buckle up, feel free to complain about there being no air in the back, and bring your most critical and analytical mind to the open air discussion of the current age, Backseat Gamers!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Juniper, please help me understand this...

It seems that MW2 is the most pirated game of all time. Pirated over 4 million times on PC and 970,000 times on 360. If we add those two we have just on PC and 360 4,970,000 illegal downloads. If we multiply that by the cheaper price tag of the PC alone at $50 bucks that's a conservative guess of a loss of $248,500,000.00! WOW!

Juniper this is where you come in. I remember last year when Spore came out and had some anit pirating stuff on there that the PC guys went crazy! DRM or something? At that time Spore was the record holder of most illegal downloads, but aren't these numbers incriminating of the PC guys and that there should be more strict regulations? The cry foul while still stealing? I guess I don't understand how it works so if you could shed some light on it I'd appreciate it.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dinner and a Wii

I was at an aunt's house earlier this week just to visit and she exclaims during dinner, "Let's play Wii!" Now I really happen to like this aunt (my wife's side of the family) so I kept my mouth shut and marched my ass downstairs where I was subjected to such atrocities as "Wii Resort," "Wii Fit," "Mario Kart Wii" and even....gulp...."Mario Party 8."

I'll start with some things that aren't so bad or are just general observations since this is literally only my 2nd time with a Wii that lasted over a half hour.
1. Wii Fit works the same way that "Brainage" works for the DS. "You haven't stopped by in over a month. Would you like to take some tests to see where you still fall?"
2. Nintendo's music style NEVER changes. I found myself tapping my foot at the menu screens of all 3 games as I felt I was reliving any number of Zelda or Mario games. Very chipper, upbeat and dare I say...generic?
3. Still no effing HD...nuff said.
4. Mario Kart was still fun...sort of.

Bad stuff...
1. Still no effing HD?! When will Nintendo realize that the world doesn't revolve around them and further realize that many people don't mind looking at things in hi res?
2. The Wii Fit and Resort are just as terrible as you would guess. I mean it's a good party game, but that's it. I was playing a hula hoop game and thinking to myself this would be more fun drunk and I want to sit down now. What an exhausting way to "relax."
3. Mario Kart is still kinda fun but is mega nerfed! In old school Mario Kart, which I'm pretty awesome at thank you very much, you live and die by your skids and building up a charge by moving the joystick/D pad back and forth. Doesn't even exist in this game. Also, objects in the road that can hurt you like bananas now have a bulbous glow about them to make them easier to see.
4. Nintendo Wii is a toy and that's it. Sure it has a few good game, but not enough to ever warrant a serious purchase by this blogger.

That's really about it. I was thinking to myself as I was playing the Wii, "I'm sure glad the guys aren't here to see this."

Here's a breakdown of Amazon's top vidoe game sales. The only non Wii thing to make the top 10 was MW2.

The Real Mario is Terrifying

Another good one from College Humor.

Splinter Cell Conviction MP

Well worth a watch for those who might of missed it last week. Cant wait to play this game it's one of the few games thats coming out this first quarter that's a definate first day purchase for me.

Dante's Inferno impressions

So literally just got off playing thru Dante's Inferno demo that hit live last week. First of all it's a total copycat of God of War for those who havent had the privilege, pretty much everything from the controls to the gameplay is near identical, but that's certainly not a bad thing and i'm acutally very impressed with it, slick gameplay, nice gfxs interesting enough story think it's definately one to watch and it comes from the same dudes who did Dead Space which is only a good thing.

Monday, December 28, 2009

brjahu and Nathan Drake sittin' in a tree K I S S I N G...

Just wanted to point out that I haven't seent too many GOTY awards for Drakes 2 and that brjahu is crazy gay for that game. That is all.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

To all who venture onto our little website, Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Mass Effect 2 Achievement List

Pretty disappointed in it honestly. Doesn't seem nearly as involved as the first, but oh well. There aren't any spoilers in them btw.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Lunch date with a game character...GO!

If videogames were real and so were the characters in them who would you like to go to lunch with?

I have a 3 way tie:

Agent 47 - Hitman (but he might kill me while pretending to be a waiter/poison my food as a cook)
Wrex - Mass Effect (but he might kill me because I'm too damn soft)
Lucien LaChance - Oblivion (but he might convince me to kill someone as I join the Dark Brotherhood clan)

Maybe this isn't such a good idea afterall....

Games as Art : Pre-post

I've been meaning to write something up here about a subject that's been on my mind for about 5 years now - games as an art form.  It's a subject that raises almost as many questions as it answers, questions that I've spent a great deal of personal time in reflection considering and attempting to answer.  There are so many different ways of looking at games, from a technical and philosophical position, and without having some ground rules, a discussion around such a (potentially) heated discussion can go horribly wrong.

What are your thoughts on games as an art form?  Are there specific titles? Is there a unique standard that makes one game art and another game not? Do you agree with the general argument or disagree entirely with the premise? And perhaps the biggest one that needs tackled slightly before this goes on, what is art?

I want to write something of substance here, so your (serious) feedback is helpful.  I've had the discussion with many friends, associates, and clients over the years, and it always changes depending on who you're talking to.  Knowing your thoughts/beliefs/philosophies/criticisms helps the quality of the discussion overall.

For all you Duke Nukem Forever dreamers out there.

A really interesting read about the rise and fall of the sequel to what many consider to be "the greatest game of all time." I've only barely played Duke Nukem 3D, but what I played was fun way back in the day.

Bayonetta Review surprise.

This just skyrocketed to the top of my list with some Christmas gift cards. Reviewer at IGN calls Bayonetta the best action game he's ever played. That's including Ninja Gaiden AND God of War.

Made by the same guy that created the original Devil May Cry, Okami and the amazing Viewtiful Joe. After Devil May Cry 4 I'd pretty much given up on the action circuit, but this looks/sounds quite spectacular.

Monday, December 21, 2009

I'm bored and no one else is posting. This'll teach you...

I feel that I've played most of the best and brightest of what the 360 offers and now I gets to play me some mindless fun! Don't judge me too harshly when you see this in my achievements list. It's next in from Goozex.

I'm gonna do it....

I'm now the owner of Okami. I also own Shadow of the Colossus. I'm beating these games if it kills me. They're two of the games on my list of games to play before I die so I better get crackin. "Suit up. I'll see ya out there."

Bioware talks about the decline of the JRPG.

I've talked on this point several times before in this blog, but it's neat to see some very successful Western RPG developers give their thoughts.

The screenshot on the page of the story is from Blue Dragon and I absolutely loved it. Been playing Lost Odyssey and honestly I'm having a hard time with it. This is the 2nd mini-boss I've got to in 6 hours of gameplay where I can't beat him at the level I'm at. This wouldn't be a big deal if it was a "real" boss or towards the end of the game, but come on. I've played all the areas fully and explored everything now I can't beat him at the level I'm at so I have to run around the same old areas again for an hour and half to beat him. I don't know if I should be upset or give the game props for being difficult. I guess it just feels cheap. Bummer because I was really really into it for a while.

At least Blue Dragon didn't pull this on me till the very end.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Avatar is like Fern Gully but with aliens instead of fairies.

If you have seen this, then you know why this deserves a post here. Even though my above statement is true, this movie is.... well, good. I havent even been home from seeing it for more than 15 minutes so I'm still trying to decide how I really feel. The short of it is that it is a MUST SEE in 3D if for nothing more than that. But the story is good, the visuals are stunning, and it even includes freaky alien sex. But in all, it felt like I was watching the cut scenes of a video game all spliced together. It works, and it works well.  I was very hesitant to go watch it in the first place but because of its story and "video game feel", it is a definite buy when it comes out on BD and I'm very interested to get all of your feedback.

One addition: my wife liked it amd agreed that it felt as though she was watching a video game. What really made it feel that way for her was the "bad guy" who seemed to have not motive behind his madness. I'd like to expand on this more but I'm trying to avaoid any spoilers.

Note: when commenting, label accordingly if your going to give out anything that may spoil the story.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009

More emotionless screenshots inbound!

Now that PS3's exclusive mammoth Heavy Rain is that much closer to launching it seems that everyday the gaming sites show a new "amazingly realistic" screenshot and honestly I'm tired of it. Not because I'm saying the game won't be good, but mainly because every damn shot is of someone looking stoic as hell or like they're about to cry. Like an episode of Law and Order: SVU. Oh is a plethora of Heavy Rain screenshots. Good luck finding one of someone smiling.

I do remember these guys braggins several E3's ago that they had crossed the "Uncanny Valley." I don't think so.

Maybe this is just for me

I feel convicted by 3N3MY's previous post.  Single player gaming is getting overrun in the market by so much emphasis on multiplayer.  I'm not so sure this is an unnatural progression, as gaming has always had a social aspect to it as well, but it's definitely getting downplayed in the market, and it seems that anything that doesn't have a multiplayer aspect is hardly worth our time and money.

I'm going to be working through some single player stuff, and I'd like to be help accountable on that.  If others would like to join me, they are more than welcome.  I don't really have any specific goals or time frames on this, just some desire that needs a jump start every now and then.

- Okami
- Shadow of the Collosus
- Legend of Zelda : Spirit Tracks

Obviously, social time spent with the people I love to play/hang out with trumps those experiences for the most part, but I'll be better for it in the long run.  Laters. 

Zero Punctuation rips New Super Mario Bros Wii a good one.

He seems to hate most all games, but his Mario riffs are especially good...because they're true.

The death of SP evident among this blog.

This is more of a rant than anything and no offense is meant to anyone.

I'm not tooting my own horn here because I feel that I'm in the minority anymore, but what happened to all of us? What happened to SP gaming?

The more I talk to most of you guys the more I feel like I'm alone. Am I the only one that cares about a SP game anymore? I'm not talking the BIG obvious games, but the games that aren't that well known or aren't the best at what they do like Quake IV, PREY, Tony Hawks, The Darkness, Condemned, Riddick, FEAR, Hitman, Price of Persia, Dead Space, Tomb Raider. All the games I listed are just from this generation, are off the top of my head and are all a ton of fun. Call that list what you want, but they are all solid and almost all of them are unplayed by anyone but me.

Does that make me a snob for saying that or you guys snobs for not playing them because they aren't worth your time? Am I just an asshole?

One of you in particular I really respect for the variety and sheer amount of astounding SP games you've played (many of which I never touched) and it makes me sad that you have lost touch with that. We talked about it this morning and you know who you are.

I guess I just get sad when I see that MP gaming takes us over more and more and these games get overlooked again and again and again. We complain about the lack of innovation in the industry yet all we play are the same old MP games over and over.

It just blows my mind when I talk to you guys about some great games and you couldn't really care less. I guess it's because I want you to experience them as well and appreciate what they offer.

Brjahu has always said that I'm ADD with the games I play and I'd have to agree, but don't you think I get the richer experience out of playing so many different games by so many different developers? Sure most of them are shooters, but I think I can have the greatest opinion and appreciation for what I'm playing at the time over any of you guys because of the variety of games I play.

Rant is pretty much done...just wishing you guys would join in and realize what you're missing.

The old college try.

Because of my interesting holiday work schedule, I've been arriving home much later than usual.  As a result, most of the community I play with online (this blog, mainly) has already turned in for the evening, forcing me to play with the actual xbox live community.  And I have to say, although the occasional wooting d-bag is still ever-present online, I've been relatively impressed by the maturity I've run into the past few nights.  Keep in mind that 'maturity' on xbox live has about as much weight as the word 'friend' does on Facebook, but it's definitely been an improvement.  I think the chore of muting everyone on your team sans your personal buddies has really taken the life out of the game, particularly the team game types.  It was a mutually understood point amongst the last group I played with that you don't run your mouth unless someone else is running their mouth at you.  Maybe it's some weird bizarro-world golden rule.

I also bought Okami on the PS2, and can't wait to give it a go.  If only MW2 wasn't so engaging to me.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Impressed in several ways.

How awesome the idea is and the fact that that's the most badass projector ever. Can't tell if it's a commercial or just something a fan did for fun. Enjoy!

Army of Two: 2...thank you brjahu

This is a general post speaking not about gaming news, but friend news that involves gaming.

January 12th brjahu and I will be embark on a coop journey to kill as many baddies as we can in the sequel to Army of Two, a game that nobody else played with us. The original game was actually very fun (it had it's faults, but was still tons of fun) and GOWesque, but with a little more coop strategy. The multi that we played for at least a good 10 plus hours was very fun, but due to bad servers (thanks EA) and no friends getting it it didn't last long. The most fun mode by far was the capture the flag idea that GOW2 stole from them. Basically there's a human that you have to throw on your back and carry him to the extraction point. The game mode was strictly 2 vs 2 with random computer baddies thrown in.

Brjahu and I swore a blood oath 6 months ago that we'd both get it on launch day and play the hell out of it. I salute you brjahu for keeping your promises and making sure that I keep mine. Looking forward to the 12th and having another great game all to ourselves.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I think I know where 3N3MY and I are going to be late February (If I can pull him away from ME2).

Seriously though, we did this all the time. Every once in a while we even still pull out some of the old ones and give it a quick go.  Original Xbox Live functionality is a bit of a joke though, so it gets frustrating real quickly.

Breaking News

How bout this for a change.... before the major sites announce it, @fourzerotwo just posted on Twitter the following:

@fourzerotwo: #MW2 Update in Test now: 1887s Balanced. Public "private" Match fix. Infinite Ammo fix. Prestige Hack on PS3 fix. Texture Hack on PC fix.

If you dont believe its legit, visit

We speak, they obviously listen.

Robin Williams CoD

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

All you iD fans out there....I guess this post is just for Juniper and I.

EA is no longer handling the publishing duties for RAGE. I know that the vast majority of you don't care, but I'm still a fan of iD and the guys in the team just seem like nice guys that love games.

I remember when they were aquired by ZeniMax some months back and I was really happy because ZeniMax also has Bethesda and they allow the developers to work out their own stuff and don't kill them. It's nice to see a very old independent developer (that basically created the FPS) still getting some love!

MW2 Boosting...

So, anyone else getting increadibly fed up with the Points Boosting Glitch? I'm not sure if this is happening on the PS3 or the PC front but I'm really getting sick of finding more of these glitched custom games and a real Team Deathmatch.

If you don't know what this glitch is, I ask you one question: Ever found yourself in a room of 24 (or whatever the max is) people in a free-for-all game on Rust when you were searching for another game type? People have managed to trick the Matchmaking system into allowing you to create a Custom Match that is included within the Matchmaking search. These boosters create an endless game of.. or should I say, Shit Storm that is only ended when the Host ends the game. Oh, and you get all of the points for it.

I'll end this by quoting a kid who was hosting one of these rooms: "I'm pathetic? But my friends are already a level 10 prestige!"

This is what happens when people care more about a number/symbol next to their name than they do about the damn game and that IT WAS CREATED TO BE PLAYED FOR FUN.... that is all.


Since I was thinking of Far Cry 2 the other day, I thought of games that were ruined by one or two elements that may have seemed minor but really screwed up the whole game.

I was a HUGE fan of the first Mercenaries and in that game, you could steal any vehicle you wanted by pretty much just running up to it. The game was still pretty hard and took me a while to beat. Then they made Mercs 2 and had these (impossible at times) button combos to take vehicles. If you wanted anything decent, you had to have ninja reflexes and hit four buttons. The slightest screw-up and you couldn't take it.

Any other games that may have been great but some little mechanic ruined them?

Emergency Air-Drop Etiquette

When someone on your team in Modern Warfare 2 calls in an emergency air-drop, you typically let THEM have the best items that fall, right? Right?

I'm kinda joking around here, but I just wanted to make it known to those who weren't playing with us that brjahu stole my Stealth Bomber on Wasteland (a great map to have that) last night and used it to end the game. Oh yeah, and he already had about 27 kills and 5 deaths at that point, so he really needed it, too. How dare you?

Monday, December 14, 2009

I cannot stress to you enough... many times I shit my pants watching this. As if the game could be built up anymore in my mind? Can I say a game is my favorite game of all time without having played it yet? I cannot express in words how this makes me feel...just look in my pants. The video shows the 2 characters I plan to use in my squad, Thane and Grunt.

Our prayers are answered! Sort of....

L4D2 update brings back your favorites, but you can't play them....DAMNIT!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Halo: Reach

I just wrote a text to Enemy asking what he thought of the Halo: Reach trailer that hit XBL today and that made me think that I should post something on here about it.

We still haven't gotten any gameplay footage, so it's hard to say what it will actually "look" like, but as always, those cut-scenes are very well-crafted and engaging. I don't know about anyone else, but I really enjoy the scenes between missions in the Halo games (namely, the Arbiter entering the Mausoleum of the Arbiter in Halo 2, learning a little bit about it, and putting on that helmet.....and the end of chapter 7 in Halo 3 after the last prophet is dead and you run back down the hall with all the flood to see the new halo rising up out of the Ark).

Anyway, this new trailer finally confirms what many had already speculated about Halo: Reach, in that it will focus on 6 Spartans (other than Master Chief) on the planet as the Covenant are destroying it. It all sounds well and good, but I have concerns about it.

Concern Number 1: Who will we play as? The 'new guy' that's classified as a "lone wolf?" The leader dude (George, I think)? The woman? That could be interesting, I suppose, but sort of unoriginal since they just did that in ODST. They could/should make more of an effort to make it actually feel different this time around though, by giving you different abilities based on which Spartan you're playing as. I've read the original three Halo extended universe books and from what I remember all the Spartans kind of have a specialty (one's a really outstanding sniper, one can run much faster than the others, etc.)

Concern Number 2: Basically an extension of Number 1, but what do you think Bungie can do to make this game feel different from the other games? Will it just be more of the same? Will it be 4-player coop? 6-player coop?

Concern Number 3: Really the biggest concern is the multiplayer. What will IT be like? They're hyping it up and have already given ODST purchasers an invitation to participate in the BETA, which leads me to believe it will be markedly different from the Halo 3 multi. Otherwise, I think they would just tack some more maps on there again. I struggle to see how it CAN be much different, though. Here's hoping it's NOT similar to Halo 3 multi, because I can't really stand that anymore after playing so much L4D and COD, where it doesn't take 3 grenades and 50 bullets to kill a guy.

Thankfully, we have at least 9 months before this is released, which provides a nice break from the Halo world. Also, I was glad to see an Elite at the end of that trailer. I always liked them as enemies more than Brutes, even though they're more difficult to kill.

2009 VGA Winners

It seemed kinda inappropriate to not post this.  Some of this (read, "most of this") shouldn't come as much of a surprise.

Game of the Year: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Studio of the Year: Rocksteady Studios
Best Independent Game Fueld by Dew: Flower
Best Xbox 360 Game: Left 4 Dead 2
Best PS3 Game: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Best Wii Game: New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Best PC Game: Dragon Age: Origins
Best Handheld Game: Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Best Shooter: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Best Fighting Game: Street Fighter IV
Best Action Adventure Game: Assassin's Creed II
Best RPG: Dragon Age: Origins
Best Multiplayer Game: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Best Individual Sports Game: UFC 2009 Undisputed
Best Team Sports Game: NHL 10
Best Driving Game: Forza Motorsport 3
Best Music Game: The Beatles: Rock Band
Best Soundtrack: DJ Hero
Best Original Score: Halo 3: ODST
Best Graphics: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Best Game Based On A Movie/TV Show: South Park Let's Go Tower Defense Play!
Best Performance By A Human Female: Megan Fox as Mikaela Banes in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Best Performance By A Human Male: Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Best Cast: X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Best Voice: Jack Black in Brutal Legend'
Best Downloadable Game: Shadow Complex
Best DLC: Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony
Most Anticipated Game of 2010: God of War III

Discuss as needed.  I personally think it's a bit of a shame that Borderlands didn't make the cut in any way shape or form.  It had some steep competition, for sure, but still... c'mon!  It was also nice to see Halo only get awards it truly deserves.  (Marty O'Donnel is pretty awesome.)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

That Tiger is so funny!

I think we've seen the last of EA's Tiger Woods Golf.

Not that I've even played one...

Author Update

Backseat Gamers would like to welcome Juniper to our authoring team.  His contributions have been nothing but extraordinary and we've all decided that it's long overdue that he be allowed to post his own original ideas.

The sexual favors sent 3N3MY's way couldn't have hurt his chances either.

In all seriousness though, we're glad to have him, and look forward to the way this blog/site will grow, and thank you for your comments and contributions to the discussion.  The greater interest we have, the more likely a formal website or forum will spawn.  Thanks again, all.

I'd love to play that again....

What are some games that you'd love to play again, but aren't about to because it's on an old system you don't have anymore or don't want to hook up again? Basically what are games that if they came to the virtual console, PSOnline or LIVE you would buy without hesitation.

Power Stone 1 & 2 (Dreamcast)
Goldeneye (obviously you all would pick that one, 64)
Space Fury (Coleco)

These are just a couple. I am sure we all have lists that would go on forever, but lets get some new games on these lists....try to stay away from Link to the know who you are.


So we were playing last night and while chatting away a certain somebody started taking the piss out of the awful Fracture and the fact someone we know, aka Seven Gears actually bought the game...Which leads me to my post/topic.

What games have you bought which u really wish you hadn't wasted your money on and are totally ashamed to have in your games played list on Live...

I'll happily admit my first entry as Red Faction : Guerilla, not the worst game every but i cant of spent more than a couple of hours on the campaign and got bored of the MP so very quick.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Best MP Maps

<a href="http://">Best MP Maps of All Time</a>

3N3MY's post led me to the above site. Curious to know how you guys feel about this list.  What is it lacking? What shouldn't be on there?

The top 4 were pretty accurate in my opinion but I dont have much CS experience so that would fall a bit lower on the list with Blood Gulch being #1.  Rust has no place on this list. And the map missing is A Bridge Too Far from Battlefield 2.

I've been saying this for years....

Why the hell does almost every game HAVE to have multiplayer? I've said it for several years now that if you're multi can't match or top HALO, CoD or Battlefield then why even waste the time?

Developers waste tons of dough on tacked on multi that will die 6 months after release. It's funny b/c the game journalist in the article complaining is probably the same guy that bitches when a game ships without multi. Remember when every game cared about only the campaign?

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Another Miyamoto snippet about hyper realistic graphics and his thoughts on them. My favorite part is:

But my idea is pretty different. We try to be unique and different and try not to depend on the techniques of others. We try to be as uniquely creative as possible, and that's got to have played a part in making our games look different.

"Uniquely creative?" Is that why you have 20 iterations of Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Wii Sports and Wii Music and every character in your games look like they fell out of a reject Dr Suess book???? I'm not giving them credit for the AMAZING Metroid Prime because Retro Studios did those.

Dark horse games

So there's me working away at work doing watever it is i do for a living and an idea for a blog topic springs to my mind. Dark horse games, basically what games have come out over the past few years which have received minimal hype if any at all and once released turn out to be a quality title.

My example would be Batman: Arkham Asylum - very little hype, no massive marketing shananagins just a game that oozes quality.

My one for the future has gotta be Alien vs Predator. Has anyone been keeping tabs on this game at all? Release date has just been announced for Feb 10th

So anyways, time to hand it over to you guys...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


3n3my's post made me think of a conversation I was having with some of my Live friends after we learned of the Javelin Glitch. We all admitted it was actually a pretty impressive trick, but one that makes you wonder how something so simple can slip by the testers (maybe purposefully?) . We then began to name off some past glitches/tricks that despite being, well, a form of cheating were actually kinda impressive. The one that came to mind right away was the Remote Chainsaw Glitch in Gears of War.

*I am not nor ever will exploit a glitch if I know one. i will not say I've never used one but I will no use one to gain the advantage. I hope that those who game with me will back me up on this*

Now that's out of the way... what glitches stand out to you?

MW2 Patch

You may have already read this.

Now you're thinking with Portals/Dark Void???

One of the main creators of "Portal" is leaving Valve for Airtight Games, the maker of Dark Void and also where many workers from Fasa Studios (MechAssault and Crimson Skies) went after it shut down. She was just a student showing "Portal" when she got picked up by Valve several years ago. I guess whenever "Portal(s)" comes out she won't be on the team.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Top 5...

It's that time again folks...

Top 5 Games that you, but no one (or very few) played.

*This is another loose list, and I have a feeling we, as gamers, have played a lot of the games others list, but lets just go with it and have some fun*

1. Sunset Riders (SNES)
2. The Journeyman Project (PC)
3. Lolo 3 (NES)
4. Geist (GC)
5. Illusion of Gaia (SNES)

Bring it on critics.

XBox 360 disc size limitations...thoughts?

Bioware just released a statement saying that Mass Effect 2 will be on 2 discs. I know that PS3 owners LOVE to shove the limited disc size in 360 owners faces, but am I the only one that actually (in a specific way) really likes the multiple disc games?

When I was a kid when I saw a game with more than 1 disc when I opened the box the only word that could describe my feelings was "excitement." Oh man this game must be huge! I wonder how long it will take me to get to the second disc? Does the second disc mark a halfway spot? NEVER EVER in my gaming life have I gotten to a disc swap spot and been mad...just more excited!

Shenmue was a HUGE game in my life for the Dreamcast and it was 3 discs long. The new RE games for the Cube were all 2 discs. I just finished Blue Dragon last week and that was 3 discs and I'm playing Lost Odyssey right now and it's 4 discs. I can't wait to open Mass Effect 2 CE and see 3 discs!

My question is does it even matter when the game isn't specifically a sandbox game?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Here's another one... Now.

This got posted on Kotaku earlier today, but I needed to put it up here. 

Take the 20 minutes and give it a whirl.  It's not masterpiece, but I think it would be hard for anyone to argue against the "games as art" theory after giving this an honest play.

Happy Birthday PlayStation!!!!

Today the PlayStation brand is 15 years old. Post your most memorable PlayStation moment.

Memorable Moment: Mainly just wishing that I had one, but pretty much playing the hell out of any and all of the Twisted Metal games to watch the cool cinematic endings for each character. I love you Mr. Grimm.


Last night, when I signed onto XBL to play some Modern Warfare 2 with brjahu and others, he told me about a glitch where players can make their Javelin explode after they're already dead, taking out anyone in the (significant) blast radius. I was the victim of this only once last night, but even after 1 time, it was really annoying. Now today, when I looked on IGN, they had a short article about how players will get suspended for doing this.

A couple questions...
First, how do people even figure this crap out?
Second, why do you want to cheat/glitch anyway? Doesn't that cheapen the experience? Especially with this glitch, since you have to DIE to get it to work anyway.

It's almost as silly as people who cheat to get to the top of the leaderboards JUST to have their name at the top of the leaderboards. We know you cheated to get there (I'm pretty sure nobody got over 100,000,000 kills in the first week that the game was out), so what's the point?

ALSO, I came across a couple of guys who were jumping around in Terminal like we were playing Halo 3. I just ended up shooting them in the shins/feet. It still works. I just thought it was funny.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Night Trap for Sega CD

This was a game I use to rent as a kid when we'd rent the Sega CD attachment from Blockbuster (RIP). I remember thinking that this was the greatest game of all time. Real video! Protect the girls! In retrospect the game was a complete tragedy and is one of the main reasons that game ratings were invented (not joking).

Please enjoy the death videos.

Metro 2033

When I first saw the trailer for Metro 2033 a few weeks back I was intrigued and impressed with the atmosphere and tone of the game. Ultimately though I figured it was a Fallout 3 ripoff and thankfully I'm wrong. Turns out some believe that it could revive the survival horror genre. I fully expect Amateria to not play this game.

Consider this one high on my watch list. Launches in March 2010.

Fairly Relevant

I'm a pretty big fan of The Onion.  They've always been pretty well put together, but their video section of their website is really where it's at.  Excellent execution, fantastic parodies... good stuff.  It's relevance here most of the time is negligible, but every once in a while a few videos fit in all too well.

Modern Warfare 3

Hot New Game - Close Range

World of World of Warcraft

Sony's New Product (Heavy Language)

All are fairly good, but the Modern Warfare 3 one, although fairly predicable, is punctuated with a great slam on something we all love to hate...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My 1st true JRPG Experience/XP (see what I did there?)

Last night I FINALLY finished Blue Dragon for the 360. It was 3 discs long and it took me just over 35 hours. I've played a good number of Western RPGs w/The Elder Scrolls series, Lionhead Studios and pretty much anything that BioWare puts out, but this was my first, played from beginning to end, JRPG and I couldn't be more proud of the game I picked to be my "1st."

Unlike many games over recent years when I beat Blue Dragon I had a genuine feeling of triumph that I rarely get from video games anymore. I think I attribute this to the amount of interest I vested into the characters and their well being. The world and atmosphere of the game are beautiful and the bad guy is truly just an asshole. No other motives than just liking to see people suffer. Also, the final bosses were very difficult. Sure I could have done the typical "grinding" to level 100, but then I would have just walked all over them. I beat the game with all my characters around level 66.

The only other games I've been bummed to finish are Morrowind and Oblivion (and I'm afraid to finish Fallout 3 for the same reason). It feels like getting to the end of a great book and wanting to see what the characters do next.

I guess my bottom line is that it was a truly awesome experience and one YOU ALL SHOULD TAKE since JRPGs are slowly going the way of the buffalo since us westerners are making a killing nowadays with action rpgs.